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DO NOT READ IF HAVE NOT READ ANY OF THE PJO OR HoO SERIES!!!! if you haven't, please do. Brilliant books!

A/N: All characters in this fan fiction belong to Rick Riordan!!! This is my first time sharing a story. It's very short because I planned the whole thing in less than 5 minutes plus I can't think of any other ideas for a story. This is set just after The Son Neptune when the Greek warship has landed in Camp Jupiter and everyone's meeting each other SO... yeah sorry for it being so short. I tried my best.

Anyways ENJOY!!! :D

Piper's POV

After the Argo II had (not so subtly) landed in the vast battle field of the Roman Camp, Jason is going to be the first one to get out because he is Roman and we guessed the Romans would recognise him. Still, I was so nervous for him. I could hear the rush blood pulsating through my ears. What if they didn't recognise him? What if they just killed him? Jason climbed down. They didn't kill him on sight, which was good. The campers were staring at him in awe, as a light shade of red travelled from his neck to face and ended at his hairline, even the tip of his ears were reddened. Then, trying to recover from his embarrassment, he introduced himself (as if they needed that) and told them that we were dis-armed and will not harm them. We just want to talk.

When I got out of the ship with, Annabeth, Leo, I saw Jason and another sophisticated looking girl maybe a little older than me, with long black hair, braided with gold, and a purple cloak draped around her shoulders, shaking hands and talking to each other. Once, it looked like they were about to hug but probably thought better of it, judging by the looks they were getting from the people around them. I heard the girl's name; Reyna, which wasn't necessary with all the very accurate describing Jason did of her. Now I was sure I had no chance of being with Jason. Just the way they looked at each other, it was SO obvious that they'd been in some sort relationship that was more than friends. She could feel it.

Suddenly, as if right on cue so I couldn't hear any more of their conversation, a wave of people crowded around Jason, greeting him and took him along with them and disappeared over the hill. There were only a couple of people dotted here and there, conversing with each other but also keeping watchful eyes on me and Reyna, feeling the heavy tension around us.

So, it was just me and Reyna left now. I went first. "So... your Reyna, the praetor? Jason mentioned you. He, like, remembered you at the last minute." I just had to add the last part, didn't I? I was trying to be all nice but NOO I had to make the comment sound really b*tchy.

Reyna replied in fake amusement, "Oohhhh, is that so?...... And you are?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm Piper McLean, one of the seven from the prophecy." I mentally slapped myself. Again, that made my sound so self-absorbed, and really, it's not even that great being one from the prophecy. For some reason she makes me feel very competitive, the need to be better than her.

Reyna nodded "Mmm Hmm". Then started fiddling with one of her hundred badges pinned to her toga, as if I was no longer there. We stood there in uncomfortable silence.

Then I heard someone whistling, getting closer. And there was Leo. He was swaggering up from behind Reyna to, Piper guessed, hit on her, getting ready with a flirtatious grin on his face, as he usually does to most girls he sets his eyes on.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks and his whistling died down too. Leo was the only one who didn't notice awkwardness in the atmosphere, he realised now that me and Reyna were standing in uncomfortable silence. Then he slowly walked past me and sang, loud enough for Reyna and a few other campers scattered around to hear "AWKWARD!!!" Luckily he was close enough for me to hit him. Hard.

Feeling satisfied, I turned back around to find that Reyna has disregarded Leo completely then shot one last glare in my direction and turned to walk away. Wow. I can be a real b*tch, sometimes.

Hoped you guys liked it! Grrr I made Piper sound like right b*itch and Leo XD

Oh and please give me some suggestions on the character's cast list. Also constructive criticism welcome!


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