The Jerk All Over Again

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Kayleigh's POV.

But instead of eating me it just came up to me and laid in between my legs and I petted it and it started purring. It was starting to get dark so I laid on Brisa's fur. I named the tiger that I'm assuming it's a girl and I'm going with my gut cuz I don't want to check. So anyways I just laid in her fur and fell asleep.



I woke up and I was hungry. I noticed that there was food on the plane, but that meant having to go back with that jerk. I didn't want to die so I just walked back to the plane with Brisa at my side. When we got there I saw Lou yes I gave him a nickname. (A/N cuz I'm to lazy to write out the whole name.)He looked scared of Brisa. he was going scream at me for being here when I said " I wasn't going to starve to death." he just angrily nodded. Brisa noticed my anger towards him and growled at him. He looked like a scared puppy I felt bad so I just calmed Brisa down by rubbing her fur. She took the message and stopped. Lou then mumbled a quiet " thanks for stopping her." so I responded " I might be mad at you for being a dickhead, bitch, and cunt but that doesn't mean I don't have a heart you know." I just walked to the plane and got some food out while Brisa ate one of the fish in the ocean. While I ate I noticed if we don't cooperate with each other we won't get off the island.


My friend kmoliver was so annoying she was like update your book all fucking day long. So I updated u happy Kiwi. Hope you like my book my little elephants also don't feel like I calling you fat I just love elephants cuz they are becoming extinct and they need our help.

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