History Will Repeat Itself

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Thud! Thud! Thud! The rhyme, the cheers.

Jake slowly opens his eyes and he realizes that he is chained to the wall. He tries to break free but then a guard hits his face with a rifle. He raises his head up and he barely sees what is going on. But the atmosphere, these ambiances and those rhythmic thuds from the crowd, remind him of something. The same arena.

He looks around and he sees that most of his friends are chained and sealed in a glass room, just like his. Except for Karl. Karl and all of the mercenaries are standing at the center of the arena. They are surrounded by a concrete wall and five gates where the mutants are coming from. They are all humans. All of the hybrids are locked and forced to watch as they friends fight for their life. Slowly their numbers are decreasing and odds are against them until Karl and the other two mercenaries are still standing. The queen orders to close the gate and she walks towards the edge of the platform where she is seated. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our American friends! They put an end to Tyler's reign and brought peace to their land. They have proved they are worthy but...."

She gives Karl a glance.

"They won't walk out here without the final phase."

The crowds are getting wilder and wilder. They stomp the ground with their foot, they cheer for their champion. One of the gates raise up and they can feel the ominous presence coming out of that gate. The sound of armor rattling can be heard as their champion is slowly stepping out of the gate. 

"The guardian of Norse!"

The sound is getting closer.

"The spear of mighty Odin!"



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Karl grips on his katana tight and patiently wait. But then, the other two mercenaries unmasked themselves and it reveals to be Connor and Raphael.

"What the fuck!? Connor!??"
"Couldn't resist to tag along."
"Fuck this. And who the fuck are you, kiddo!?"
"Let's just say that I won't stab you from behind."

Lars surprised to see his son is alive and mostly, he is here with him. 

"We have an enemy to kill. Focus!"

Karl raises his katana higher and ready in steady stance. With a sudden move, GUNGNIR charges towards the trio and luckily Karl able to parry his spear. Then suddenly, GUNGNIR disappears into thin air.

"What...the fuck?!"

GUNGNIR appears behind Raphael with his spear is piercing through his torso. Then, someone taps on GUNGNIR's head and turns out to be Raphael.

"You are fast, but not fast enough. And oh, look out."

Connor swings his leg and slams him to the ground with a powerful kick. Connor tells Karl to let him and Raphael handle GUNGNIR while he sets the other free from their chambers. The queen is impressed by their capability.

"So, this is the result of breed between a human and a hybrid. Perfect!" 

GUNGNIR, shamed and angry, boost his strength and speed with rage. Within a flash, he disappears once more. Raphael calls out Connor.

"Hey, American! I have a plan but you have to listen to me."
"What!? Why the fuck do I have to listen to you?"
"Because you are slow and it might kill you in a flash."
"Slow!? Speak for yourself, fucker!"

Then, GUNGNIR appears just like he did before but this time, they have already predicted his movement and both launch their fists at GUNGNIR. The impact is so hard that GUNGNIR's helmet is shattered to pieces and reveal somewhat a weird skeleton-like face. But that doesn't stop the duo to finish off their enemy. Connor lifts him up and Raphael kicks him down from the top and begins to pummel him down. 

Suddenly, a very strong shockwave send the duo off their feets and GUNGNIR rise up. He charges his spear with his power which result of lightning sparkling down his spear.


The queen stands out.

"That's enough GUNGNIR. You have so much more to be done instead of killing those vermins."

The queen sets them free and summons all of them to appeal at her royal chamber immediately. 

"You have proved your worth, fighters."

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