God Forsaken Beast

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Connor has already save Devil from the hand of the queen after he and Raphael pledge for a secret dark guild that against the queen. But unbeknownst to them all, the most dangerous beast is kept by the queen herself. His name is Baz......


A footstep is approaching the confined beast and soon the door is sliding open. Tubes are inserted into his body with greenish fluids are flowing into him. The Queen greets him with a smile.

"The very progenitor of the hybrid. Tyler was a wicked man."

She instructs scientists to increase the flow rate of the unknown fluid into Baz's body and Baz has to endure it.

"The first test-subject against our very own subject. The First Hybrid against EXCALIBUR!"

She can't stop laughing as she walks towards another lab with a name on the top of the door. EXCALIBUR. The scientists are busy to keep their subject alive and she can see that the progress bar is barely reaching the 70% completion. She approaches the EXCALIBUR and unveils its face.

"Wakey wakey, John."

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