Honour & Justice

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A samurai chooses to serve a master and does it out of respect and love. Not because they are forced. Service to them is not demeaning. Service is an expression of their prowess and their pride. They serve because only they are strong enough to serve with such flawless perfection and consummate ability. It is a source of pride to them.


AEGIS, LONGINUS, and TRIDENT have been killed by the seven samurais but with the expense of most of their life. Takashi and Hiroshi are the only survivors out of six of them after Karl left them. But the end is nowhere near as DYRNWYN is still alive. They are running out of energy and currently hiding among the debris of the fallen building. Meanwhile, the army of Haven is marching towards DYRNWYN. As expected, the army of Haven isn't capable of fighting against a GUARDIAN.

Takashi and Hiroshi watch in horror as the army is getting slaughtered at the hand of DYRNWYN

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Takashi and Hiroshi watch in horror as the army is getting slaughtered at the hand of DYRNWYN. 

"What should we do?"
"They are getting killed!"
"They are not our people."
"Our mission is to kill the Queen."
"What about them?!"

Hiroshi gets up and grabs his katana.

"This is bullshit."

He leaps out of the debris and confronts DYRNWYN head to head.

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