War Has Begun

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"Pour la gloire!"

The entire guild appears in every corner of the west city and begins their attack against the guards of the Queen. They plunge towards guards from midair. Connor rallies up with Devil while Raphael follows Le'Saint; Connor went north, Raphael went south. Two GUARDIANS are descending from the sky and killing everyone on their path. It was GUNGNIR and GAE BULG. With their enhanced strength and power, they easily wipe most of the assassins. Connor and Devil are standing tall while looking at those GUARDIANS. Connor throws a dagger and immediately warp towards the dagger and surprise GUNGNIR with a blow to the face.

"What's up?"

However, GAE BULG has already expected Connor and tries to attack Connor. At the same time, Devil has already beneath him and projecting a beam.


The whole place explodes and the shockwave sends Connor slamming against the wall. Once the dust has settled, he sees a figure is still standing.

"Good job, Dev-"

It wasn't Devil. It was GUNGNIR with a spear on his hand. Beneath him is only a crater and ripped clothes. A trail of blood is also there. Devil suddenly appears beside Connor.

"That was close."

He lost his right arm and his right eye. Most of his body is covered in blood.

"What happened?"

GUNGNIR's spear is circled with lightning and form a lightning spear. 


Out of nowhere, another attack launched from their back and luckily Connor is fast enough to react to the attack and both of them are safe. Not far from them, GAE BULG is standing with a rifle. 

"What the fuck?!"

GUNGNIR speaks.


Both of the GUARDIANS leap towards Connor.


Connor defends himself against GUNGNIR but exposes his back against GAE BULG attack. The whole place explodes once more. 

"I knew you can't handle this alone, fucker."

Raphael is behind his back and successfully block the attack.

"You're welcome."

They smile and take out their weapons.

"Let's do this."
"Make sure you don't get in the way."


[East City]

The seven samurais have already take out most of the guards and slowly advancing towards the center of the city, where the Queen lies.

Then, DYRNWYN appeared along with AEGIS and LONGINUS. Takashi taps on Karl's shoulder and asks him to go to the center. Karl, along with one samurai are heading towards the center, only to be stopped by Trident. 

"You go, gaijin."
"Four GUARDIANS. Are you sure?"
"Just focus on the objective."

Karl runs and slashes all the enemies that he came across. In the end, he reaches the entrance of a huge building that looks like a castle. Infront of the building, there's a GUARDIAN is waiting. It's JOYEUSE. With an accent of an ancient French, he challenges Karl.

"Let's dance."


[Center of the City]

Jake and Lars meet up once more. Fully regenerated, they are at their strongest state and ready to face the Queen. The Queen however calmly sits and enjoys her meal. Both Jake and Lars charges towards the Queen, only to be stopped by her with psychic. Suddenly, Lars pulls out his pistol and shoot. The Queen isn't surprised and able to stop the bullet too. She throws both of them against the wall.

"What the fuck was that!?"
"Some kind of mind power. Sax told me that she is the strongest mutant in term of mind power."

The Queen chuckles.

"No, I'm not just the strongest..."

She stands up and the whole nation begins to experience tremor and quake. 

"I am a god."

Almost every soldiers and resistance forces die immediately due to her immense psychic power. Only the civilians and hybrids are able to withstand such pressure. She floats in the air and the castle begins to shake once more.

"Are you ready to die, mortal?"

She throws a boulder with her mind towards them with an enormous speed. They dodge it but then got hit by the second boulder. Jake emerges from it and leaps towards the Queen. She throws every boulder that circling her towards Jake but Jake able to make it through with his punches. Once he reaches the Queen, he throws a punch but his fist is stopped mid-air.


Lars is already behind her back and fires the gun. She turns around and stops the bullet but Jake fist is back in motion and it hits the Queen in the face.

"Looks like you got that figured out."
"You can control everything in your sight. Except for the blind spot, I guess?"

Baz appears out of sudden and attacks Jake. Baz punches Jake and it cracks the floor. They both are falling down and it only Lars and the Queen now to face each other.

"And looks like you can't escape from my sight."

Lars clenches his fist and aims his gun towards the Queen. He fires his gun but the bullets are stopped mid-air just like before.

A loud bang is heard and she got grazed by a bullet that was coming from her back.

"Neither do you."

Ray is on top of a building far away with his sniper rifle. The army of Haven city has finally arrived. 

The Queen tries to use her power once more to wipe the army but this time, Lars able to stop it.

"Even a god will fall."

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