Saint & Demon

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The trio is separated throughout the city where Jake is heading to the China with Frank, Lars has been locked up in a cell and Karl is an infirmary. 

[Raphael & Connor]

They are somehow able to escape from the arena after successfully slipping away from the queen's sight when she was dealing with the others. Now, stuck in the middle of nowhere, they are struggling to keep a low profile. They are hungry and weary since they haven't eaten anything since the escape. They realize that they can't replenish their hunger with power since the wall has nullified their power. In this city, they are as normal as a human being.

"Hey, American."
"Do I have to tell you once more? My name is fucking Connor. Not American."
"Ok fucking Connor."
"Son of a bitch."
"Hey! My mama is not a bitch!"
"Whatever. We need to steal foods. But it will be hard to do so since we had lost our power."

Raphael steps out and begins to charge towards a food stall not far from them.

"What the fuck..? Is he losing his mind?"

Raphael able to outmaneuver the hawker and snatch a few snacks from his stall then proceed to run away. Connor gets up and chases after Raphael since he has already succeeded in stealing food. After minutes of running, he finally able to reach Raphael that has already eaten the stolen foods.

"You didn't save any for me?!"
"I'm the one who stole it. So I deserve to eat all."

A shadow passing by....

"Hey, someone is here."

Raphael stops eating as he also feels that someone has just passed by. Then, a group of hooded men rain down from the rooftop and surrounding them.

"Do you really need this much to arrest us? For stealing some bread?"
"Maybe they do. Get ready."

They are both rolling up their sleeves and ready to engage. To their surprise, the group doesn't engage them but instead, a man approaches them.

"Seems like you both are not from here. Tell me, friends, who are you?"
"Why do we tell you?"
"Please, I am hating the Queen as much as you. After seeing your impressive skills of stealing some foods, we might need some men to join us and save this city from the tyrant."
"Tell me why do I have to trust you?"
"Cause we know a friend of yours. He was one of us years ago."
"A devil."

Then, they unveil themselves and reveal the tattoo on their chest. Each has unique symbols on their chest with a close resemblance to a devil. Connor recognizes that tattoo, and so does Raphael.

"Hey, Connor. It is better that we don't trust them."
"I feel like I saw that tattoo somewhere but and my instinct tells me that it is bad. Can't remember why."

The man introduces himself as Le'Saint with a striking cross across his body from the neck to his abdomen.

"So I assume that you are a saint. The others have the demonic tattoo but you..."
"Oh. I'm afraid that I haven't introduced ourselves. We are a group of assassins that lurking around this city and kill whoever that is destined to be dead. The devil, a symbol of a killer."
"And the saint?"
"The savior. Of the devil."

They follow the group to their hidden base. They stop in front of an elderly man, shrouded in a weary cloak. Raphael and Connor are forced to kneel on their knee and bow. Le'Saint steps in and kneel.

"My lord. I have found another lost soul to join us. Grant them with your almighty power and they will join us to that down the tyrant. Once and for all."

The man weakly lifts his hand and wavering a little. Suddenly, Raphael and Connor can feel that their power are improving and they are gravely in pain. The powers are too much for their body to hold. The others, including Le'Saint, are surprised to see such enormous leap of power. Then, they pass out. They are escorted to their room. Le'Saint, who is still shocked from the evolution, questioning his leader.

"My lord, may I know what has happened to them?"
"I've broken their limiters and right now, they are not familiar with their own power. They didn't realize their true potential. Maybe the prophecy is true after all."
"...The seven trumpets will blow and cleanse the world. Will they be one of the trumpets?"
"Perhaps. I believe the other five trumpets are nearby too. As soon as they wake up, bring them with you."
"To save Devil?"

He nods.


Devil is separated from the rest of team and confined in a solitary chamber with nobody is in sight except the guard that is guarding his only way of escape, the window. Then, a rock is thrown and hits his head. He turns around and he saw someone is on the rooftop, looking at him. The man disappears then suddenly appears at the back of the guard.

In one swift move, the guard has taken out by the man and he opens the cell's door

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In one swift move, the guard has taken out by the man and he opens the cell's door. He hands the same cloak he wears to Devil.

"It's been a long time, Devil."
"Looks like you have met the Saint, Connor."

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