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Entry 3-3/7/14

"What is normal? I don't know and technically, you don't either because what do you compare it too? You have but your opinions, and guesses of others. So try telling me, what is normal?"~Gloomly

Hello Alice,

Ha, I'll never get tired of talking to myself. Although I don't really need this diary to talk to myself. That brings me to my point, why am I considered... not... normal? When people see me then if they 'know me' then they think I'm crazy, insane, and a murderer. And those who don't know I'm odd, and are fooled by a facade. But I don't understand why they think I'm abnormal because what are they comparing me to? Them? And what makes them the 'affinity of normal'? What makes them so goddamn different FROM ME! Tell me that.

I am going to take a short break and let off a little steam.


Okay, break is over. Where was I... oh yeah, normal. Normal is a term given, by those who want to pretend to understand you. There is no set 'normal' because they don't know, all they see is a copy or a face. Copies fit in; the faces, so different, are outcasts among or with other outcasts.

Normal is boring and overrated though. I have but my opinion of normal and to me I am normal, because my opinion is the only one I have. So tell me, Alice dearie; am I, are you, are we to an outsiders perspective normal? Ah, I've contradicted myself, I spend time asking and saying normal isn't set but here I am asking if I am a set normal. Hmm... oh goodbye Alice, I must run. Got to catch a rabbit.

Bye my little Alice Cheshire until next time,

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