Ideas, floating in the air

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I awake the next morning with Sunny nestled in my neck and the smell of bacon lingering in the air. I smile looking down at the love of my life. I reach down and kiss her head as she pulls away from me and turns the other way to sleep. I get up and she is still out. I grab one of her flannels and put it on as well as a pair of boxers. I follow the scent of bacon. I see Ginger who is cooking breakfast. 

"Good Morning, Why are you cooking?" I question. 

"I wanted to do something nice for Sunny, since I heard her crying last night." Ginger says. 

I walk over to Ginger who has her back to me, I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her sweet neck. 

"This is why I love you as well, you are so caring for everyone baby." I moan kissing her. 

I go to the fridge and grab some orange juice, which is Sunny's favorite with ice. I pour a tall glass and bring it to her. I walk back upstairs. I go into the room setting the cup down and opening the curtains up. 

"Rise and shine beautiful." I say, jumping to top of Sunny kissing her until her eyes opened up. 

"Baby.... no." She whined. 

"Come on, Ginger is making breakfast, and I brought you orange juice with ice." I said. Surpassingly she shot up and wanted her drink. I handed her the cup and she drank it all in a gulp. 

"Damn baby." I say giggling. 

"Hey that's my flannel babe." Sunny says pouting. 

"Hey you wear my clothes all the time baby." I smile. 

I go to the dresser, pulling out my favorite My Chemical Romance tee shirt. I look at Sunny and throw it to her. Her face lights up. 

"Come on baby, I am so hungry." She whines.

I grab her hand and we walk down the stairs. I notice that the table is set, with bacon, eggs, toast, and french toast. There is also glasses of orange juice and water out. Ginger just finished cutting up some strawberries as we entered the kitchen. 

"Wow! This is amazing." Sunny says, smiling as she kisses Ginger.

"Thanks, I wanted you have a good breakfast today." Ginger says to Sunny. 

"You didn't have to. Really I was gonna make Sky take us out." Said Sunny.

"Well she can later for dinner. I have a whole day of things I want to do and plan if you guys will let me. You both will love it, but mostly you will Sunny." Said Ginger. 

"Well." I say. 

"Yes!" Said Sunny, taking a bite of bacon. 

"Awesome, Sunny you are amazing like Sky is so lucky to have you." Ginger says. 

"Hey we all are together." Sunny reminds her.

"I know but its still all new and you two will never love me like you guys love each other." She says drinking her juice. 

"One day as our family grows." I state. 

---AFTER BREAKFAST ---------

"Do I have time to shower before we do what you have planned?" Sunny asked Ginger.

"Of course love, we will do what I have planned when ever you are ready. I am going to clean up my cooking mess anyways." Ginger says smiling. 

"Okay, awesome." Sunny says.

"Want me to come shower with you baby?" I asked. 

"Um, no I don't want you to baby sorry." Sunny says.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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