Aftermath of I Am My Mom

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Garnet's POV:
No. No! Steven... My lip quivers as I struggle to maintain my composure. I can't let my gems give up hope; we can fix this! I let the tears fall down my face. I know we can't fix this. I told them myself. With our ship gone, we're never getting him back. No matter what we do, we can't get back to Homeworld. It's over. What have I done?! I should have foreseen this. He's going to die. They're going to shatter him for something he never even did! He's going to let himself die that we might stay safe. And it's all my fault. He was right! She wouldn't have wanted this! Rose wouldn't have wanted this! I've never wanted this! I'm sorry, Rose. I'm so sorry. I begin to cry out in painful despair. The others are so caught up in their own grief that they don't notice my deep sorrow. The last time I sobbed as Garnet was when Rose gave up her physical form. She did that so Steven could live. But he's not going to. Not anymore. I should've done something! I just want him holding my hand again. I want him next to me. I want to tell him again just how much I love him, but now he's gone... I can't do this-

Ruby's POV:
Argh! I'm so useless! I can't even protect the people I love most! Steven... He must be so scared. I want to tell him that I'm here for him, that everything's going to be fine... but it isn't! I begin to scream in pain and frustration. I look at my shaking hands. Seeing Garnet's gems together always calms me. I know that when I'm Garnet, I'm strong, I'm with Sapphire, and we can lead and protect the team. But I've neglected that I'm just Ruby now. I'm staring at my gem and a gemless hand. The tears are evaporating off of my face. I scream in this emotional pain. Sapphire grasps my hand. Blearily, I look over to her. I can't see her face. It's lowered, almost touching the water we're standing in. I want to fuse, but my body feels incapable. I'm so scared. I'm scared for Steven. What's going to happen to him?! What's going to happen to us without him?!

Sapphire's POV:
Come back, come back! The ship is gone... I can't live with myself! I should have seen- I should have known! I want to fuse again, but I just can't! My mind is so unstable with so many emotions, I can hardly concentrate. We have to stay strong for Pearl, for Amethyst! We have to get these humans home to their families. But I can't let go of this sinking feeling of defeat inside of me. I feel sick to my stomach. I feel numb all over, as if I can't feel anything anymore. My face is stained with tears. I could have stopped this. I know he didn't listen to us, but I could've done something! Anything! I'll do anything to have him back with us now. I just want him home. With us. Safe.

Pearl's POV:
No! I can't see, I can't think, I can't hear... I'm too overwhelmed... Steven! My back is shaking with silent sobs; so many tears are cascading down my face. Warily, I hear Ruby screaming, and Amethyst's and Connie's cries. This is too much! It's like he's dead already, the way we're grieving. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Rose. I've failed you! I never meant for things to turn out this way! I loved him, not only for you, but for my own! He's my baby! And I couldn't even keep him safe from this... If I had just known how he felt, maybe I could've stopped him. Maybe he would still be here in my arms. Is there anything I could've done?! Rose, after loving you for thousands of years, he has been the one who I've loved! Was that enough? Did I not love him enough? I can't stop my tears, my sobs. A sudden hand grasps my own. I slowly look over. A glassy-eyed Ruby peers back, her lips quivering. "Are they gonna shatter him?" she asks me, her voice hardly above a hoarse whisper.
     "Eventually," I reply. "But, Ruby, they're going to torture him first." My voice is shaking. Ruby's jaw drops from her realization in horror. Never letting go of my hand, she pulls Sapphire's closer as she begins to cry again. Suddenly, she pulls me into a hug. She's shaking as well. With my free hand, I pull Amethyst and Connie in. The five of us stand here soaked, crying. Is this really how we lose our baby?

Amethyst's POV:
Why?! Why this?! Why him?! I'm practically bawling, I'm in so much distress. I haven't felt this terrible since Rose gave up her physical form... but this is much, much worse. Steven isn't doing what Rose did- he's going to die. Like, actually die. This is so unfair! Why couldn't it have been me? I would've given myself up for him any day. Even if it meant getting shattered. I want to fuse with him again. I want to tell him how much he means to me, how much I love him, but there's nothing I can do now. "What do we do?!" I cry out.
     We break apart from our embrace and look to Sapphire. She'll know what to do. She always does! After a minute of silence, she bursts into tears. "I don't know..." she says. "I don't know." I grab onto Pearl's arm. In response, she pulls me in close to her. She's shaking. I don't want to think about the horrible things they'll put Steven through. He's still our kiddo! He's too young to go through anything like this- he's still a child- our child! I need him back! He's the only one who understands me! He's the one I love most! Now he's gone! And I can't do anything... I start to cry again, softly this time. It's over...

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