I'll Always Wait for You

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The Inquisitor sits along the edge of the waterfall, her hands in her lap. She gazes down at the water hundreds of feet below her, the soft breeze moving the hair that brushes her face. It's peaceful in this dream, whereas her real life is so chaotic.

She clenches her hands, thinking about what awaits her when she wakes. Pain, she's injured, this rest is a weak respite. She's pretty sure she passed out, and honestly, she's tired. She defeated Corypheus, she sealed the rift in the Veil. She freed Thedas, she leads the Inquisition with the aid of those around her, and yet --- everything is starting to take its toll.

The entire Inquisition, it feels so... pointless, now.

She's lost herself somewhere in it, and she doesn't know how to recover who she is. Perhaps that's just her stressed mind, her brain trying to comprehend everything that's happening. She knows how badly injured she is, collapsing and entering the Fade proves that much to her.

It should still be daylight, and she never enters the Fade till usually dawn, when she's finally able to sleep.

The Inquisitor sighs, leaning back on her hands. Her left is aching again, the mark is getting worse; even in her sleep she can't forget about it. She lifts up her palm, seeing the green, ethereal glow of it.

She can never find peace.

She tries, she puts on a good facade for the others, although she's sure Cassandra can see through it if none of the rest can. She feels so... lost, now. 


What's the point?

Should she die from her wound, than all will be fine. Another will take the lead of the inquisition, will lead it in whatever direction it's meant to go. 

The Inquisitor looks down, at the rocks beneath her feet, the forest thriving below her. She's not sure where she is, not that it matters. She leans forward a little bit, gazing downward. She could just fall, lean just a little more.

Oh, but what would be the point?

She raises her eyes, searching the world around her. It's a habit she's picked up, she's looking for him, Fen'Harel. The Dread Wolf of Elvhen lore, the one creature she longs to see more than anyone else in the world.

He left her, all by herself. She's hurt, she's angry, she wants to see him again, scream at him at how unjust his actions were! She's not a fool, she understands everything she's lost, everything he did when that orb was lost during the battle with Corypheus.

She can connect the dots herself.

She watches as the Fade ripples, and she cringes, looking down at her green-glowing hand.

She's going to wake up soon, but she doesn't want too. She clings to the Fade, to peace, forcing herself to remain just a few minutes longer. The Inquisitor slowly climbs to her feet, rocks crumbling along the edge of where she stands. She turns, looking at the waterfall, but it doesn't roar like one in the real world, really she barely notices it.

She walks towards it, seeing the green moss sprawling along its banks, the rocks reaching out of the water to disrupt its flow. She kneels, dipping her burning hand into the cool water, shivering. She's not cold, but her body is in pain, and she can feel the sweat building on her skin.

She wonders if she'll survive or not.

She wonders if Solas will even notice.

She'd confessed her love to him, something she had never done before. 

And he had rejected her.

No, not because he didn't feel the same way, because... of his own demons.

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