I'll Always Find You (Part 2)

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Cassandra gazes at the Inquisitor from the doorway of the small room. She knows death when she sees it, she is no fool. She feels great sadness as the looks upon the Elf that has been her friend for so long now, that has stood by her side and defended the world against its greatest threat.

The Inquisitor had been returned to Skyhold, Dorian carrying her unconscious form in his arms. They'd been racing towards the safety of the castle, pursued by their attackers. The guards at the walls had driven the enemies back, letting the small group enter the safety of the castle's walls. She had immediately been rushed to the mages chambers, but even than, her condition had been dire.

She was poisoned, it's running through her veins even now. None of the mages are strong enough to dispel it, not with all their magic combined. They stand at the Inquisitors bed side even now, circling her. White magic sparks like lightening, striking at their hands, their words a hushed chant. They're trying again, trying to keep the poison at bay. No one knows what to do, how to help her.

Dorian is beside himself, blaming himself for her injury, for her inevitable death. Bull is trying to comfort him, but it's to no avail.

Cassandra knows what is going to happen.

She sees the disappointment on the mages faces as they finish their spell, realizing that they have failed again. There's hushed whispers, but Cassandra has seen enough.

The Inquisitor deserves peace now.

"That is enough," Cassandra says, her voice ringing sharply through the room. She steps forward, her polished armor clinking. "Leave her in peace. You've done all you can."

"But, if we do ---." The mages all hesitate; they're exhausted, they've been trying for hours now. They've kept her alive through the night, she should have passed on hours after her injury.

"I know, but let her find peace if that is her fate." Cassandra shakes her head, stepping between them to the bedside of her friend. The Inquisitor is ghastly pale, her skin gleams with sweat. She's been stripped of her armor, her braided hair trailing across one of the pillows. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly, her veins appear on her skin in black lines.

For all she's been through, this is what she will not survive. Is her life really to end in such a way, defending a friend? It's admirable, honorable, and her loss will be felt all across Thedas. Still, Cassandra does not want this, but she's sent ravens to all her contacts, she's poured over the books in the library. She still does not know what this poison is, she cannot find a cure for it.

And now, even if they did know, they would never be able to create an antidote in time.

Her attackers have completely disappeared, she supposes their goal completed.

The mages all leave the room, their shoulders slumping in defeat.

Cassandra is quiet, slowly sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I am sorry this has happened to you, Inquisitor." She murmurs, her gaze running over the exhausted body in front of her. The mark on the Inquisitors hand is glowing, the light crawling up her arm.

Cassandra knows it's been getting worse, she's seen the Inquisitor try to hide her pain. She's been secluding herself more, putting on a facade so no one worries, but that doesn't fool the Right Hand of the Divine.

She's been in pain much longer than anyone knew.

The Inquisitor turns her head, mumbling incoherently. She's spoke Solas name once, very plainly, and Cassandra felt her heart twist. The elf leaving had caused more pain than any physical wound, and it's one the Inquisitor has never recovered from. She mourns his loss, she searches for him, she still sends out scouts, trying to find the missing elf.

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