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You sigh, your chin propped on your hand as you gaze down from the battlements of Skyhold castle. Look at him, bossing the soldiers around, throwing orders and them following. You love the way the sun hits his golden hair, how the red and brown fur on his armor makes him look so commanding.

He's just so... handsome.

You can remember the first time you ever saw him, even in chains and being paraded around as a murderer you'd still taken a millisecond to admire him.

There's just something about a man who's a leader, who can be commanding...

"Mooning after the commander again, are we?"

You straighten immediately with a flush, whirling around to stare at Cassandra, the Seeker who is always close to your side. She's become one of your closest friends and you treasure her --- just not always her opinion.

She gazes at you, her lips tugged into a smirk as you flush, standing guilty at the stone wall where she knows it overlooks the troops; she knew she'd find you here, this is typically where you disappear off too.

You're so young, a human noble thrust out of her comfort zone and into the world she didn't ask for. You'd been so lost and confused when Cassandra first met you, meek almost. You've grown so much now, become so much stronger.

"No!" You deny immediately, crossing your arms. "I was just watching the training of our new soldiers."

"Among other things." The seeker chuckles, coming to stand beside you. She finds it humorous your crush on the knight commander, and how obvious it be to everyone but the man himself. You're quite obviously friends, he's relaxed around you --- or as much as the once Templar can be.

"We're leaving for the Winter Palace soon," Cassandra says after a moment, feeling the breeze ruffle her short dark hair. It's been a long few weeks for everyone, especially you. You're always so positive with a smile for everyone and pointing out what good to find in every situation, but she can see the wear in your eyes, the stress building in the terse set of your shoulders.

You need a break.

"I know." You say, frowning. "But oh do I hate the politics there."

"Being a noble, I would think you were used to it."

"So says you of all people."

Cassandra chuckles. She'd never thought she'd grow to like someone like you, brought up so very much like herself and yet so very different. There's a quiet strength about you she admires and respects.

As does Cullen.

He has never said it to you, but Cassandra knows he thinks you brave and worthy of the respect of thousands. You've shown many times the warrior you can be. If he didn't think so, he never would have been part of the unanimous decision to make you Inquisitor.

"Come. Why don't you go and speak to him?" Cassandra asks after a moment, going to stand beside you. She's taller, more weathered in battle with black hair and a scar on her face she doesn't bother to hide; she's proud of every battle and victory she's had. You respect her for it.

"About? We've nothing to discuss." You pick at a loose thread on your sleeve, trying to look at everything but her. "We only speak of the inquisition."

"Have you tried other topics?"

Your silence is enough answer.

To be such a brave warrior, you can be such a shy girl.

"Do not worry yourself, Inquisitor. I believe if you should tell the commander of your feelings, you might be surprised." Cassandra says, amused. "He thinks fondly of you."

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