Chapter 4: Cabin

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After Jaden had said his goodbyes to Paula, he followed the familiar scent. He knew who it belongs too. The one who was spying on them. And he curses himself for it.

If he had known that Alia was out in the woods, he wouldn't have told Paula to come. And now he screwed things up. He had kissed Paula. And Alia had seen it. Now he has to find Alia and make things right. But her scent was becoming faint. He traced it to a field. And that's where it ends. He couldn't smell her anymore.

Panicking, he called out for her. With this rain and snow, it was difficult to see anything especially when the sun was going down. "Alia!" He yelled her name out.

But it was no use. Jaden couldn't sense her. 'Let me.' Prince said. 'I'll find her.'

Jaden nodded. He let Prince take over. Hopefully, he has more luck.

Alison sat on the chair eating, some delicious lasagna. "Yum." She smiles.

Isaiah sat under her chair speaking to her. 'Alia is sad again. She has seen her mate kiss another woman.'

Alison sigh. 'What can we do?' She spoke on her mind, for only him to hear.

'We shall let Jaden resolve it,' Isaiah said.

Alison nodded. She hopes Jaden fix it. But it seems Jaden keeps making it worse. The wound keeps opening wider and wider. And who knows how much a single person can handle so much pain. Alia could easily get depressed and do something harsh. Alison prays it doesn't get to that.

Alia laid in bed and curled up. She was in a cabin her father built for her mother. It was near a beautiful pond. But the lake was frozen now.

She didn't want to go. She wants to spend some time alone. Without anyone hovering over her shoulders.

'Someone is approaching,' Princess said.

Alia blew out the candles and cuddled under the blankets. Who could it be? No one is allowed here except her family.

"Alia!" Alia sat up. "Are you in there?"

"Jaden," Alia stood up and opened the door. She peeked, and Jaden was there.

"You are here," he smiles. "Let me in."

"No," Alia shut the door and locked it. "Go away. I don't need you. You can go back to dating Paula."

"Paula and I aren't dating anymore," Jaden said. "I called it off. Look what you saw, was a mistake. I couldn't control myself. Alia, I'll do my best to make you happy. I'll learn to love you. Just give me a chance; this is new for me."

Alia leaned against the door. He'll learn to love her. Meaning, he loves Paula. And one can't control the heart. She can't force Jaden to kiss her. That's one thing her mother taught her never to force anyone to love another.

But his her mate. In time they'll learn to love each other. She sighed and opened the door. Jaden walked in.

She lighted up the candles and sat on the bed. "What is this place?"

"My mother's cabin," Alia pulled the blanket over her. "My father build it for her since she loved the pond this was her favorite place."

"Oh," Jaden looked around. It was a cozy cabin. It was small. A bed in the middle a kitchen to the side, fireplace, and chairs. "It's nice."

Alia nodded. She laid down and just curled up. Jaden looked at her and felt guilty this was his doing. He has been mistreating her. He hasn't been treated her right. He must protect her and all his been doing is pushing her away.

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