Chapter 11: Hiro

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"How's Akira?" Randy asked.

"He's fine," Castro sigh. "The bullet was removed. But he'll probably lose vision. Who knows when he'll see."

"At least we capture three of them," Randy grin. "The hunters are interrogated as we speak. What's bothering you?"

"The man, name Hiro," Castro held a picture of Hiro. "We tested his blood. He's one of us. But he doesn't shift. His human side is dominant."

"I see," Randy tap his finger against the armchair. "What should we do?"

"Do more tests," Castro said. "More blood work. Perhaps will find our traitor, in our database."

"So we should keep him separated from the other two?" Castro nodded.

"Akin! Akari!" Castro called his kids. They enter the room.

"Yes, father?" Akari crosses his arms.

"Go get our guest, Hiro," Castro said. They nodded.

Akin sigh and headed towards the cells. "You hold the door, and I'll drag Hiro out."

"Right," Akari waited outside.

Akin went in and down the hall to the fifth door to the left. He uses the key to open the door.

Hiro looks to as the door open. It was him. The guy. "Get up; my father wants to speak to you." Hiro stood up wincing. This people sure do know where to hit. "You're too slow."

"Not my fault," Hiro said. "I'm in pain."

Akin growl and tied his hand. He pushed him out and closed the door.

Hiro wince at the day of light. It hurt his eyes once he eyes adjusted to the sun. He looked around. This prison was vast, and we'll maintain. "Keep moving."

Hiro sigh and kept walking. Another guy was there. Akari is his name. He thinks.

"Why does father want to speak to him anyway?" Akari asked.

"I don't know," Akin shrug. "Maybe father wants to interrogate him, himself."

Hiro's stomach sank, to the thought of being beaten by the one and only, Alpha.

He was lead down a path and to a small village. House where scatter around. It was like any ordinary neighborhood. Children ran around playing in the snow. Laughing and smiling. His boss can't possibly kill innocent people. Could he?

"Akari, Akin!" He watched as the girl ran over.

"Alia, where busy," Akin said. "Can't you see where escorting a prisoner."

"I know," Alia smile. "I need to remind you two about the suit fitting."

"Yes of course sis," Akari smile. "We haven't forgotten. We'll see you later."

As they talked, Hiro felt something bump into his leg. He looked down. It was a small puppy. No, it wasn't. It was a pup. A human. He or she rolled around the snow.

"Ah," a woman stopped in her tracks. "Milly come here, sweetie."

The woman had fear in her eyes. He would never hurt a child.

"Hmm," the girl Alia smile. "Come here you." She picked up the pup and handed her over to her mother. "Don't be running off."

The pup wiggle in her mother arms. And shifting to a healthy baby.

"I'll see you later," Alia said and ran toward a guy. They kissed.

"Let's go," he was pushed.

Hiro was getting tired of this.

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