Chapter 16: Wedding Day

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The day of the wedding arrived. A few last minute details where being made.

Alia paced back and forth. She was anxious. Alia didn't know why. There was nothing to be nervous about but she was.

"Calm down," Tilak chuckle. "Sit down, so that I can fix your hair."

Alia sat down and sighed. "Jaden didn't come home."

"He probably slept at the house," Tilak said. "He must've had a night out with his friends. A bachelor party."

"Yeah, your right," Alia smile. "Just like we did."

"Yes," Tilak sigh. "You look so, beautiful. It surprised me that your mother dress fit you perfectly."

"Thank you for haven't if fixed," Alia said.

"No problem," Tilak kissed her cheek. "Anything for the beautiful bride. For my daughter in law."

Alia giggle. She was feeling much better now.

She let Tilak do her hair and makeup. The wedding wouldn't be until 3 in the afternoon. So they had plenty of time.

While they waited, Alia grabbed a box and held it to her chest. She hopes Jaden likes the surprise she has for him. She positive he'll love it. And he'll be happy too.

She twirls around the room humming to herself.

Jaden got out of bed and cursed himself. "This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Of course it wasn't," Paula stood and got dress. "Jaden what happened exactly?"

"We went out to celebrate my bachelor party," Jaden rub his head. "I got drunk, and afterward, I don't know. I can't remember."

"This isn't good," Paula said. "Alia will kill me."

"She won't kill you," Jaden said. "Not if we don't tell her."

"She's going to smell it," Paula said. "Jaden, it's 1 in the afternoon. You better hurry. Or you'll be late."

Jaden cruse and ran out pulling his shirt down. He did it again. He broke his promise. This time Alia won't forgive him. His sure of it.

He kept running and made it on time. He quickly showered and got dressed. He was slipping his shoes on when his brother came in.

"You have to be in church at 2," Armin said. "So hurry up."

"I'm going," Jaden sigh.

"You did oversleep," Armin chuckle.

Jaden stood up. He checks the time and sighs. He will be there on time.

He hopes Alia doesn't notice his betrayal. It'd be wrong if she did. Right before their wedding. He messes up big time. And this isn't something he can fix. If he has too, he'll accept another teen latches. But they'll probably be more.

When the time arrived, Armin drove him to the church. There where a lot of people. He felt nervous.

Jaden got out of the car and went inside the church. He groans and felt the pain of guilt hit him.

He will have to tell Alia the truth, even if it kills him.

Alia arrived at church a few minutes later. She stayed inside a room. She paces back and forth.

"I'll be back for you," Tilak said and left.

Alia sat down and counted to ten. She breathed in and out. Just as Alia was clam, someone knocked. She stood and opened the door. But no one was there, except for a piece of paper.

She went back inside and read it.

-If I where you, I wouldn't marry him. He cheated on you. Didn't I say, when two people love each other, you can never break them apart. You idiot. You're so, naive. Jaden and Paula will never be apart. But you, you will always be alone. Just face it. You tricked them. Jaden and Paula have consumed their love if you get what I mean. So do us, and yourself a favor, leave them alone.-

-love Kala.

Alia stared at the letter. It couldn't be right. Jaden couldn't have done it. He promised her. But he has broken his promises.

Her phone beep. She picked it up; it was a message from an unknown number. And it had an attachment. She was afraid to open it. She clicks on it and felt her heart shatter. She knew even before looking at it. The truth.

Jaden has lied to her again, but this was last straw, no more.

She throws the phone, and it shatters against the wall. Tears ran down her cheeks.

She removed her veil and undid her hair. Grabbing the extra clothes from her bag. She slipped out of her wedding dress and slipped on a long shirt.

Alia didn't care anymore. She threw the ring on the floor. And out of rage knocked everything off the table. She stepped back and ran out the door. But as to not let anyone see her she went out the back door. Taking her heels off she ran toward the woods.

She had enough.

Alia kept running until reaching the lake. There she took a deep breath and fell to her knees. Her life is worthless.

Hiro didn't have time to free his buddies. He had to go on his own. He had managed to escape by tricking the guards.

And it was easy getting around since there wasn't anyone around. Everyone was in town for the wedding.

As he made it to the lake, he heard crying. Frowning he follow them. And there he found Alia. Wasn't she the one getting married. Something must've had gone wrong. Something wrong always goes wrong.

But now that he found her she'll be a great hostage. He snuck up behind her and grabbed her covering her mouth. "If you want to live, then you'll come with me. Quietly, understood?" She nodded. "Good, let's go."

He dragged her toward a boat. Do they have boats? Nice. He pushed her in. "I am sorry. But you're my hostage now. Hey, at least you'll be free of whatever problems you have."

Hiro smile and began to row toward the other side of the lake.

Alia sat there. Is this how she'll die. Like her mother. Killed by hunters. At least she'll be seeing her mother again.

"She's gone!" Tilak yelled from the doorways of the church. "Alia is gone!"

"What?!" Castro growl. "What do you mean she's gone?"

"I went to get her and when I went into the room," Tilak cried. "The room was a mess. Her dress was on the floor and everything else. She's gone."

Jaden tense. Alia knew. But how? His mother looked at him with disappointment. "Mother I-" And he didn't finish as Akira punched.

"You have hurt my sister for the last time!" Akira growl. "If something happens to her, you'll be sorry you ever cross paths with her." He said and left.

"Find her!" Castro yelled.

"Sir!" Kanye ran over. "One of the prisoners has escaped. And I was told, they spotted him with your daughter. It seems he has taken her as a hostage."

Jaden stood up this was all his fault.

"Ah!" Castro rushed out.

Jaden will never forgive himself if something happens to her. He'll die if she dies.

It'll be a fair punishment. But Jaden won't allow her to die.

He ran out. Slipping his coat off and undoing his tie. He shifted and ran toward the woods.

'Stop!' Prince yelled. 'I don't sense her. She isn't here anymore. She's far; they have her now. They must be blocking her scent.'

Jaden shifted back and fell to his knees. He has lost her. All because he couldn't love her.

His done.


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