Story #2-The Boy in Green (Told by The Scribe of Legend)

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The world had been set right and accepted the people of the sea, but there was another great kingdom above their own. Those people were unaware of the land and sea below, and the clouds were where their world ended. No one ventured down to discover if there was more. Not a soul. For they were told for generations of the emptiness that was beneath them, but it was all a mirage for those who looked up to the skies and those who looked down.

This great kingdom in the clouds worked similarly to those below. Within the great kingdom were smaller kingdoms. And this realm took on the name TerraNeil.

The couple who ruled over TerraNeil was King Atmos and Queen Angela. Both were elves, a being that resided only in the realm of clouds. Elves, fairies, pegasuses, and pixies to name a few. King Atmos was chosen at birth to be the king. And though he was one of the only kings in the land that couldn't fly on his own, no one questioned him and his leadership.

King Atmos had a wonderful reign. However, history always focuses on the troubling times, and our hero was far from prepared to face the challenges. And before a hero comes there must be a villain.

Tucked away in TerraNeil was a hidden island where the dragons dwelled. They were a proud species but they respected a chain of command. One of their own used to rule, but after an elf bravely flew through the storm to their perch and slew their leader, the torch of the Dragon Lord was passed outside the dragon race. Many rejoiced, for the dragon they once called king had oppressed them.

The elf's reign was cut when his exploring heart wandered further. He had conquered the storm to reach Dragon's Perch, but now he wished to dive into the sea of clouds. Unlike others, he didn't believe in the neverending emptiness. Gifting his hat to his son as a promise to return, he and his wife embarked on a journey. They took the mightiest dragon as their ride to bypass the dense clouds. What they found below was the ocean and a pirate ship that did not offer them a friendly greeting.

The pirates managed to kill the couple, and the power of the Dragon Lord was passed to a cruel man. He and his men then discovered the realm above their heads, and they used the dragons to do their dirty work. The dragons attacked villages and gathered riches, but after a time the crew turned against each other. The dragons watched, remembering their own rebellion until at last there was a victor. The Captain had been killed by his son, and the son wanted more than jewels. He wanted immortality and power.

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