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      Still with no general clue where we were, I followed Chris out of the car.

It wasn't the luxurious side of LA, but the high class side of town, which is different.... for Chris at least.

Chris was acting more possessive than normal, wrapping his arm around my hips and giving guys that walk past us the death glare.

I honestly didn't mind at all.

Call me insane but I fucking love it when guys are possessive and protective.

It makes me feel protected and special.

We walk into the restaurant, while I notice it was hella fancy. It smelled like expensive cheese and champagne.

I immediately moaned at the delectable aroma. A tall man walked up to us whom i assumed was a waiter.

"Can I help you, sir?" He asks Chris

"Yes, I made reservations" Chris spoke

" name?" He asks rather quickly pulling out a sheet of paper


"Ohh yes mr. Marshak, right this way" he insists, running off leading us somewhere.

This removed his arm from my hips and placed them on his wrist, pulling his sleeve up, making his beautiful pure gold watch visible.

I know how he feels about flaunting his money around but, he seems to be doing it a lot tonight.

Once we arrived to the table, Chris pulled a seat out for me, while sitting on the other side of the table.

The waiter asked what we wanted to drink, and Chris answered with an extremely fancy wording.

I didn't want to sound dumb and ask what he said, so I just waited until he showed up.

He ended up bringing red wine, and water. So it all made sense.

"And are you going to be eating the white truffle pasta for 1 or 2?" The waiter asks

"2, I'm fairly hungry" he laughs.


"Okay we'll get those out to you shortly, mr. Marshak" he nodded walking away.

"No need to be shy princess" he says immediately after he leaves

"I'm not" I ensure

I was though. I wasn't sure how to act proper around fancy people, I was never really raised fancy or anything like fancy.

I guess this night had a fair amount of surprises ahead.

Chris looked unbelievably attractive tonight. He had on all black, as usual with a white tie, and a gold Chain tucked in, paired with his pure gold watch.... still don't remember the fancy name to told me it was called. His hair was flowing yet slicked back at he the same time, and look amazingly soft and silky.


The waiter brang our food and it looked delicious.

Chris and I immediately started eating

"Why haven't you drank any wine?" Chris asks with a slight smirk

"Umm in under age?" I ask as more of a question

"Sweetheart, that doesn't matter. I'm treating you to something nice, please enjoy it princess" he sighs

"Of course daddy.." I smile, in defeat of course taking a drink.

As the night progressed we got 2 bottles of wine, and I actually ended up drinking most of it, considering Chris was the designated driver and he takes that really serious.


I saw as Vanessa slowly went into an intoxicated state.... I wanted so badly too take her home and rip her dress off and fuck the shit out of her. But it wouldn't be right to do that considering her current mind set at the time.

The waiter came and gave me the check.

I grabbed it, opened it.

2 bottles, red 1989 wine: $112.77

2 white truffle pasta: $450.55

Total: $563.32

I then handed him my debt card... which he then brang back a couple minutes later, along with a receipt.

I then proceeded to get Vanessa and some how make it home

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