Chapter 2

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Summer for Kuroo is the live epitome of hell.

Tomorrow is a day that he dreads, the first day of summer. God, he just wished it would end the second it started.

"Kuroo!" Yaku whined as he kicked the taller man on his back


"Stop being so grumpy." The midget cried as he pulled Kuroo's arms "It's summer! The sun is high up in the sky. We shall live, we shall call Koutarou-"

"Oh no you won't." Kuroo's scowl dropped into a disapproving look as he got down on his knees knowing Yaku got him "What do you want? I'll do it. Anything- please just don't call that owl."

Yaku blinked "B-but I already called him and he's on his way."


"Bokuto is otw."

Yaku's stupid habit of using text acronyms is super stupid in Kuroo's opinion nonetheless, he didn't comment on it. The garden gnome somehow has some aces up his sleeve and uses it against Kuroo a lot.

"Your super hot, ultra talented, mega awesome oppa is here."

"Yaku what have you done." Kuroo whimpered as he slid under the couch and hid there.

He could see Bokuto's white sneakers walking towards his direction making his eyes clench tightly. "Go away."

"Come kitty kitty." Bokuto wiggled his fingers on Kuroo's face however, thankfully didn't peak under the couch.

"You fucking piece of shit. Do you want me to bite your finger?"

The finger disappeared and Bokuto stood up from his crouching position. "I brought drinks. WE MUST CELEBRATE."

Kuroo crawled out of the couch, the scowl never leaving his face. "I'll pass." He stated firmly before he went into his room, too tired to lock the door

Being happy during summer doesn't seem right without him.

Summer used to be Kuroo's most favorite season. He liked the feeling of warmth and the sun grazing on his skin made him feel secured. Everything seemed to be bright and so positive.

However something so great can turn out differently in the end.

Now, summer felt ironically cold. Everything else felt cold as well and in Kuroo's perspective, nothing felt bright again.

Because on the first day of summer, he left him and he didn't bother to give his heart back. That boy just went and took Kuroo's heart with him. Kuroo was left with nothing and hurting to the point where summer felt as though he's in the middle of a strong snow storm.

He just wished summer would end.

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