Chapter 12

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When you start to think that everything is okay, life decides to go 'you think i'm done? Fuck no.'.

"Okay, Tetsu-chan." Oikawa sighed as he rubbed his eyes under his glasses sleepily "What do you want at 2 in the fucking morning?"

The brunette's hair was dishiveled, seemingly really bothered and irritated but Kuroo didn't care. Oikawa was the only one he could come for help to right now because Bokuto is most probably sleeping with Metallica on full volume.

"I need to sleep over. Yaku locked me out." The latter stated bluntly as he shoved through seijou's former setter lightly before settling on the couch.

Oikawa made a face of distaste. "Feel at home, bitch."

"Yeah thanks." Kuroo laughed before snuggling on one of the pillows.

"Where have you been anyways?" Oikawa asked curiously as he sat near Kuroo's feet, peering at the man. "You're not usually out."

"Well, surprise."

"I've heard you've been hanging out with a kitten that we shall hide under the name Kenma Kozume."

"Nice cover." Kuroo sarcastically rolled his eyes.

Oikawa smirked before nudging Kuroo. "Tell me, did you guys fuck?"

"What the FUCK, Oikawa." Kuroo sat up, glaring at the man fiercely. "Kenma's not like that."

"Jesus- calm down I was kidding. Chill the fuck down it's 2 am- That's how I make jokes at 2 am!"

"Well it's not funny." Kuroo hissed before he lied back down "I'm not keeping up with your shit toni- today."

"No- seriously! Come on, man. Tell me what happened!" Oikawa whined and eventually- after having Oikawa whining at him for half an hour, Kuroo's ears were recked- Kuroo gave up.

"I don't think you're shutting the fuck up anytime soon so here it goes." Kuroo hoisted himself up from the couch.

He wanted to sleep so bad.

"Kenma came back to Tokyo, I saw him and we became bffs again."

Oikawa gave him a deadpan look. "You know what you are? You're a real bitch."

Kuroo was tired and exhausted. He wasn't the best in holding his sleep as much he did back then. "Oikawa- goddamit, I beg you. Let me sleep. I have work later afternoon."

"Fine." Oikawa huffed before standing up, crossing his arms over his chest "But I'm not letting you off later."

Oikawa had a bad habit of forgetting things he said and was supposed to do- Kuroo hoped this was one of them.

And so, after making sure the brunette wasn't intending on bugging him anytime soom, Kuroo closed his eyes, slipping into a world of temporary fix and an interim of relief.

Dreams were supposed to be the product of things buried deep into our minds- Kuroo's dreams were different.

He couldn't remember the last time he dreamt of something other than himself, sitting in a room with four white walls and everytime he fell into unconciousness, he could swear the walls kept on getting closer. Kuroo liked to believe it was a mere illusion that pressure brought and liked to ignore the fact that it was indeed, a product of what was buried into his mind.

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