Welcome Home Sister

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Sarah just arrived at the town line of Storybrooke, entering Granny's, wearing a yellow coat, her brown eyes looked around.

"Who are you?" Granny asked, the stranger.

"Granny, don't you remember me?" Sarah is the younger sister of Regina.

Granny gasped as she realized who it was, "Dear, we thought you were dead!"

Sarah chuckles, as she sat down on the bar.

"What will it be, Princess?" Granny asked.

"Cappuccino, please." Sarah smiled, sweetly.

"Coming right up, Princess!" Granny loved teasing the young witch.

It was nearly two in the afternoon, when Mary Margaret and David came in for lunch with their family.

"Snow?!" Sarah calls.

"Sarah?!" Mary Margaret asked.

Sarah and Snow were the same age, but once Regina had taken over the kingdom, Sarah was not allowed to have contact with Snow. Then Sarah disappeared during the curse.

"Grandma, who she?" Henry asked.

"Henry," Mary Margaret introduced, "this is Sarah Mills, Regina's younger sister and Sarah this is…"

"Henry?" Sarah got teary eyed, "like my father?"

"Mary…" Regina's voice trailed off when she saw the young woman with Mary Margaret.

Sarah whips her long blonde hair around, "Hello, Regina."

"Sarah!" Regina cries as she hugs her sister, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!"

"Am I missing something?" Zelena asked.

"Hi." Sarah shook hands with Zelena, "I'm Sarah Mills, the younger daughter of Cora and Henry Mills sister of Regina, and you are?"

Zelena was in shock, "I'm the older sister of Regina, Zelena."

Sarah cooed to the baby in Zelena's arms, "And who is this little cutie?"

Zelena smiles at her daughter, "This is Robin, my daughter."

"Hi cutie." Sarah smiled.

Regina started introducing Zelena and Sarah.

The evening came and Regina had walked Zelena home, and was ready to come home herself.

As Regina opens her front door, she notices her younger sister on the couch fast asleep. Regina grabs a blanket and places it on top of Sarah, crouching down to kiss her sister's forehead, Regina heard a noise outside her house.

"Bloody hell!" Zelena exasperated.

Regina opens the door, "Zelena?!"

"Oh hi." Zelena stuttered a leaf in  hair.

Regina chuckles, "Get in here!"

Zelena was ushered in the kitchen, as she said, "I really, didn't want to come here but then I remember Robin. And I realize that Robin has Sarah's eyes, brown."

"Regina?" Sarah rubbed her brown eyes, "Is that you?"

"Sarah, can you come here?" Regina asked.

Sarah slowly walked to the kitchen. Sarah was wearing a yellow nightdress, hair down, with  floppy bunny slippers.

"Sarah," Zelena came closer, "I was wondering if you could watch Robin tomorrow?"

"Sure," Sarah nods, "you came here just to ask that?"

"I also came to tell you that I was a little jealous of you." Zelena showed her the green patch on the side of her neck.

It was small but the shade was definitely noticeable. Sarah hugs Zelena. Zelena was shock by the gesture. She just met the woman hours ago, and now Zelena found herself hugging Sarah back. When they let go, Sarah was shocked to see the green shade slowly disappearing.

"Zelena," Regina cleared her throat, "the green is disappearing."

Zelena panicked she looked at the mirror and saw that Regina was right. Zelena touched the spot and turned around, "How?!"

Author's note: Yellow is the color of hope and yellow is Sarah's favorite color.

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