Hope Returns

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"Guess who's here?" Regina smiles.

"Fuck." Sarah breathed.

"Bite your tongue, Sarah!" Zelena scolds, as the Evil Queen appears.

Snow White looks shocked, "Shit."

Zelena covers her sister's ears, "Children."

The action made Regina and the Evil Queen laugh.

Sarah glared and huffed, "Weirdos and will you stop?!"

Zelena backs up, "She scares me."

Sarah smirked, "And why would the Wicked Witch be scared of me?"

"I don't blame her," Regina admits, "you are pretty scary at times."

Sarah smiled, "Thank you, I try."

"So anyways," the Evil Queen interrupts, "we need to get Sarah back to Storybrooke."

"I am not letting Sarah go there alone." Zelena protectively put her arm around her sister.

"Zelena," Regina sighs, "she might be the only hope to getting Emma to believe, again."

"Ugh!" Sarah exasperated, "Why me?!"

"Because Sarah," the Evil Queen explained, "you have the power of hope, unlike all of us, Sarah has the power to make Emma or anyone believe, Sarah have you ever wondered why your magic is yellow?"

"Yes." Sarah admits.

"Yellow is the color of sun," the queen states, "which brings hope, your magic feeds of people's hope but also your own. You must have faith."

Sarah rolls her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I know but what does this have to do with me going back, I am literally draining here."

"I think I understand," Snow says, "if Emma sees Sarah suffering, Emma would start believing."

"So we are sending her because of an 'if'?!" Zelena demands, "No! I will not allow it."

"Me neither," Regina agrees, "I am not putting my sister's life in danger to test a theory."

"Regina, Zelena," Sarah sighs, "I have to do this, you have to do this."

Zelena opened her mouth to argue but Sarah states, "I love both of you and I am willing to do everything I can to have you both survive."

"Sarah?" The Queen calls, "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Sarah turns around, "Take care of your children."

Zelena held her daughter tighter, as Snow hugged Regina. Sarah walking away was the hardest thing Zelena watched.

Sarah was transported back to Storybrooke, in a small house, looking around she heard a familiar accent, "Who are you?"

"Belle." Sarah turns around, "What are you doing here?"

"Who are you?" Belle repeated.

"Its me Sarah," Sarah states, "your stepdaughter."

"I  don't have a step daughter!" Belle runs.

"Belle, please!" Sarah ran after her the door slammed shut.

"Go away!" Belle sobbed.

"What did the black fairy do to you?" Sarah wondered.

Gold walks in and was startled, "Sarah?!"

"Oh am I glad to see you." Sarah smiled.

"I thought Mother would have killed you!" Gold exclaims.

"Please, Fiona kill me?" Sarah scoffed, "She could never kill me, darkness can never kill hope."

"Belle?" Gold knocks on the lock door.

"How do you know my name?" Belle whimpers.

"Ok…" Sarah backs away, "I'll let you handle this, I need to find Emma."

"She left." Gold replies.

"No." Sarah shakes her head, "Where's Henry then?"

"Mayor's office." Gold states.

"Ok…" Sarah had an idea, "car keys?!"

"What?!" Gold asks.

"Car keys," Sarah repeats, "I need a car."

"Ok…" Gold handed her a set of keys, "What are you planning?"

"All you need to know is that I'll be right back," Sarah said, "you need to distract Fiona."

"How do you propose I do that?" Gold asked.

"I don't know throw a tantrum or something." Sarah suggested, "I don't care how you do it just keep her away from Henry for two hours."

Sarah ran out the door and got into Zelena's car, grabbing the phone from her purse, Sarah called Henry, "Henry, its Sarah, what's Emma's address in Boston?"

Henry gave the address.

Sarah entered the address in her phone and floored the car, at maximum speed.

Avoiding every traffic. Every road detour, taking the shortest route, Sarah finally reached Emma's apartment, in two hours.

"Emma Swan!" Sarah yelled, "Come with me, now!"

"I know you," Emma realized, "your Gold's daughter."

"Yup, Henry's in trouble." Sarah said, "I need your help to protect him."

"Of course," Emma nods, "what do you need?"

"Hope." Sarah smiled.

"What?!" Emma was shocked.

"Hope," Sarah repeats, "I need you to have hope."

Emma smiled. Hope has been returned. Now, the trouble is will hope be enough to stop the dark fairy?

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