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Sarah was nervous. She walked down the aisle her sisters on either side of her.

Hope, she thought, hope is what brought me here. The hope of reuniting my family, the hope that I could attain happiness.

Finally, arriving at the altar, Zelena looked at Anton and said, "Take care of her." Before sitting next to the Charmings.

"I never believed in happy endings," Anton looking Sarah in the eyes, "until I met a girl on a bus ride. I sat next to her, we got to talking that's when I knew Sarah was the one for me. Eight lonely years later, we met again. I let three more years past before I got the courage to asked you in a date. It took me 11 years to ask you to ask her on a date. Then it took me seven years more to ask her to marry me.I was never one to believe in soulmates but I do now. You are my soulmate."

Sarah was in tears, "Anton, before we met my life was a series of doubts, people often ask me why are you here and my response was always, 'my sister sent me out not off my will.' When I met you the response change, 'I'm here because I choose to be with Anton.' I always believe in happy endings, but I chose to put it aside for everyone's safety, then you came along and changed me. When everyone thought I was crazy for going here, you told me to go family means everything. I love you, Anton Rossi."

At the reception, Jiminy Cricket announces, "Time for the father-daughter dance! Mr. Gold and Sarah if you please."

Sarah smiled as she danced with her father. "Thanks." Sarah said.

Regina clears her throat, "I do think it's our turn, to dance with the bride."

"Your highness, with all due respect," Gold spat,  "you are only the sister, I'm the father."

Zelena appeared, "And if I were you, I would run now."

"Alright, your turn." Gold steps back.

Sarah smirks, "Thank you, father's a terrible dancer."

"Anytime, Sis!" Regina chuckles.

"May we have this dance?" Gideon smiles, offering his hand to his sister.

"You may." Sarah responds, as she took Gideon's hand, and Zelena's hand, Regina took Gideon's and Zelena's other hand. They made a square. "Awkward dance." Sarah states.

Zelena smiles. Regina laughs. Gideon smirks as he twirls the four.

Pausing Sarah, she noticed the dark figure standing tall. "Missed me?" It was the Black Fairy.

"Sarah, get behind me." Zelena said, pulling Sarah's hand. "If you want to kill her, you'll have to go through me, first."

Regina steps in front of Zelena, "And me."

Gideon steps forward, "And me."

Belle steps forward. Then Gold. Henry states, "No one is going to tear this family apart."

"Tear it apart?" Fiona cackled, "Dear boy, I don't want to tear it apart. I want to destroy it." Coming down to snatch Baby Robin from Snow, "I think I'll start with your hope. This one!"

"No!" Zelena ran forward crying, "Robin!"

Sarah caught her sister's arm, stepping forward she said as calmly as she could, "How's about a trade?"

Fiona looked at the young woman curiously, "What did you have in mind?"

Sarah stepped forward, "Me for Robin."

Fiona quickly snatched Sarah from the ground just as quick Fiona flew to the air holding Sarah in one hand and cradling Baby Robin in the other arm. She sighs, "Too bad I'm not a woman who keeps her words." dropping Robin into thin air.

Sarah quickly casted a spell, which allowed Baby Robin to float onto her mother's arms.

Zelena cried, "Sarah!"

"The child means nothing to me!" Fiona smiles nastily, "I have got the true hope right here." Sarah started to squirm, "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt her. I tend to destroy her hope, therefore destroying your beliefs!"

The curse has came upon them.

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