Sarah meets stepmother

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Regina had to go to work. Zelena was job hunting. Sarah was out in the town with Zelena.

"I'll just go grocery shopping." Sarah waves, "You, good here?"

"Um…" Zelena contemplates, "here take Robin, stay close."

Sarah was handed Robin. Sarah went out of the office, carrying Robin. On the way to the grocery store, Sarah saw Gold with a young brunette woman.

"Sarah, I'd like to introduce you to Belle my wife." Gold states, "Belle, this is Sarah Mills, younger sister of Regina and Zelena."

Belle smiles reaching out her hand, "Nice to meet you, Sarah."

Sarah put Robin on her left arm to shake Belle's hand, "Please to meet you, Mrs. Gold."

"Just call me Belle." Belle smiled.

"Alright, Belle." Sarah smiled, "I really must be going Zelena would be looking for us."

"Sarah?!" Zelena yelled.

Sarah turns around to face her sister. Zelena marched towards her sister, "We really have to go home."

Belle reached her fingers to touch Sarah's arm, "It was nice to meet you."

Zelena was already walking away, "Sarah!"

"Yes, coming!" Sarah ran after her sister.

At home, Zelena put her daughter in the nursery. Sarah was in her room crying her eyes out. Zelena walks in Sarah's room, "Hey, you alright?"

"How could he?!" Sarah asked, "He has a son, that he gave everything to. What about me?! His wife, is beautiful, he seems happy, and here I am miserable."

Zelena sat on Sarah's bed, "Sarah," Zelena caressed Sarah's hair, "who are you mad at?"

"Nobody." Sarah admits, "That's what I'm mad about, I can't blame him, for having a wife. And I can't blame mom for cheating on dad. I can't be mad at anyone. I have no right I was the one who decided to come here. I should have listened to Regina I should have not come here."

Zelena stops pulling her knees to her chest, making Sarah face her. Zelena hugged her knees, "If you had not come here we would have not met."

Sarah felt guilty, she was acting selfish, totally unlike her. "Zelena, listen to me." Sarah saw Zelena was tearing up, "I don't regret meeting you."

A knock was heard, "Zelena? Sarah? You home?" Regina calls.

Zelena got up drying her tears, "Coming!" Opening the bedroom door, Zelena turns around, to see Sarah looking at her, "Hey, I might not be the best big sister, but I try." Zelena turns to leave the room, missing the genuine smile that formed on her sister's face.

"I might not have the best mom," Sarah whispers, "but I do have the best big sister."

"Any luck today?" Regina asked, she had a bag of groceries. This was not the first time Regina had brought groceries to her sister's house. She also cooks for them. No way, Regina was going to let Sarah eat out every night, so she cooks nutritious foods. However, something was off, "Are you cooking dinner?"

"Uh…" Zelena stirred the pot, "Yeah, we got home early. You want to join us for dinner?"

"Sarah's allergic to soy." Regina stated.

"I know." Zelena smiles, "I'm cooking spinach pasta. All home grown of course, wouldn't want Sarah to eat unhealthy."

Regina chuckles, "Are you implying something?"

Zelena turns the stove off, then turns to sit on the kitchen table across Regina. Zelena was smiling, "I am able to take care of her."

"I don't doubt that." Regina admits, "You just have too much in your plate, nowadays, I don't want to burden you."

"Trust me," Zelena puts her hands on the table, "Sarah is not a burden. She's the reason why I want to better myself, she and Robin, are what keeps me going. Please don't take her away from me."

"The best big sister award goes to…" Sarah announces, "Zelena!"

"Hey!" Regina complains.

"Sorry, Regina," Sarah walks over to Zelena, "but you have been replaced."

"Is that so?" Regina crossed her arms above her chest.

"Wicked has replace evil." Zelena smirks, "Finally!"

Sarah chuckled taking a seat beside Zelena, Sarah's ringtone, Born This Way by Lady Gaga,  went off:

Don't be a drag
Just be a queen

Whether you're broke or evergreen…

Sarah laughs the looks that her sisters were giving her as she answers the phone, was priceless. It was a video call from Anton. "Hi Anton!" Sarah beams, holding the phone, "What's new?"

"Nothing much, just thinking about you." Anton smiles, "Who are you with?"

"My sisters." Sarah smiles.

"Oh cool." Anton smiles. Anton was walking on a street,  wearing a gray coat. He has sparkly blue eyes, with dark brown hair.

"Anton," Sarah smirks, "I like you to meet my sisters," Sarah gestures for her sisters to get behind her, "this is Zelena, my eldest sister."

"Chow, bella." Anton greets.

"And this is Regina." Sarah states.

"Buna Frumoaso!" Anton smiles, "Wow! Mia Amore, beauty runs in the family, I see?"

"You have no Idea!" Sarah exasperated, "Mio Amore, where are you?"

"I am at Balogna," Anton responds, "mia cara."

"Nice." Sarah smiled.

"What's wrong Cara mia?" Anton asked.

Sarah stood up to go to the other room, "I met my step mum today."

"Oh! Cara mia!" Anton sighs, "How did it go?"

"Awkward." Sarah responds one word, "I couldn't tell him who I am, I can't tell her why it was awkward. The only one who knows is you, Zelena, and I."

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