Prologue:The Calm Before the Storm

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(Hello long time and no see... I decided to come back to writing fan fictions hopefully you like it)

It has been two months of the encounter with Volturi, and it seemed that everything was finally settled in their place. The Cullens are especially happy that they managed to convinced the Volturi that their darling Renesmee was not a threat to their society. It also seemed that they had a natural routine of the Cullen's day wake up to the sound of laughter from their angel, going to work or spending a day with Renesmee, come home and then end their day with one of them tucking in Renesmee. It was bliss in paradise. Renesmee loved how much her family always wanted to be with her; she felt that she wasn't just her parent's daughter, but she was everybody's daughter. She loved especially having her activity with her family. From watching Grandma Esme cook for her, Rosalie braiding her hair, Alice buying her clothes and having a fashion show, and Bella reading to her. She also loved how her Grandpa would also read to her, to her "wrestling" with Emmet, and listening to Jasper tell her some war stories and going hunting with her Jacob. She enjoyed all of this but the thing she loved the most is when her father would play the piano with her.

Everything seemed perfect with the Cullens; they felt that after the past eventful years they could finally enjoy their lives and not have to worry constantly of vampires trying to destroy their family. Which was the reason they didn't expect for someone to do exactly that?

It was a regular day in the Cullens residence their day started with Edward, Bella, and little Renesmee to come through the main house door. Renesmee ran to the kitchen to greet her grandmother who is already preparing breakfast while Edward and Bella settled in the living room area.

"Hi Grandma, good morning!" giggled Renesmee as she sat on the stool.

"Hello beautiful, are you hungry I'm making your favorite sunny side up pancakes," Esme said as she turned to her granddaughter with a smile on her face.

Renesmee giggled and nodded, as she quickly to greet her aunts and uncles when she ran into her grandfather, who was on his down the stairs to leaving for work.

"Slow down little one" Smiled Carlisle as he ruffled her hair.

"Sorry, good morning Grandpa" giggled Renesmee and she made her way upstairs turning to her Aunt Alice room and knocking on the door.

"Hello beautiful." said Jasper as he opened the door to allow her in.

"Hi, Uncle Jasper where is Aunt Alice?" She asked while looking for her aunt.

"She and Rosalie went shopping and said she would be back later to have a fashion with you, they forced Emmet to go with them to carry the bags." replied Jasper smiling down at her.

"Oh, well okay how come you di-"

"Renesmee sweetie come down for breakfast" called out Bella from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming Momma!" replied Renesmee as she waved bye to her uncle and ran down stairs and walked with her parents to the dining area and took a seat, while they sat next to her, while Esme served her and placed the food in front of her.

"Thank you, Grandma, it looks good" as she took bites of her breakfast.

"Your Welcome sweetie, I will see you later I need to do some errands, and I'll be back later." replied Esme kissing her head and leaving.

Around the same time Jasper came down and stated he was going to meet up with Alice and that he would be back later; leaving Bella, Edward, Renesmee alone in the house.

"So Ness what do you want to do today?" asked Bella while combing through her daughter's hair. "Do you want to come with me later and visit Grandpa Charlie?"

"No thank you, momma, I want to spend a day with Papa and so he teach me piano, and then Aunt Alice wants to have a fashion show."

"Hmm okay I guess that's alright if that's okay with you Edward?" asked Bella looking at her husband to happened to be silent and focused on looking out the window. Bella turned and looked where he was looking and puzzled looked back.


"Hmm ... sorry, I thought I saw something outside, yes that's fine Bella." Edward said while smiling.

On cue the door to show Jacob entering the house and go towards the dining area.

"Jakey!!" shouted Renesmee while running to his open arms, and scooping her up into a hug.

"Hey Nessie, how are you." smiled Jacob while ruffling her hair which made her pout at him making him laugh.

"Hey Jake you came pretty early," said Bella

"Yeah I wanted to pay a quick visit to Ness, I don't have time later, Sam and I are going to help the new wolves control their shapeshifting skill more. I promise though Ness that you and I can go hunting tomorrow and who can have me all day okay?"

"Okay Jakey." replied Renesmee she was set down by Jake, and he turned to leave.

"I'm going to be leaving soon too, to go to Charlie's, I will see you two later okay." as she kissed both of them and walked out the house.

"Papa can we play the piano now please."

"Of course, come on."

The two set down the piano and Edward began playing little tunes while letting her play some songs as well. While playing Bella's lullaby, Edward noticed again a figure passing the house. Suspicious he walked up to the front when it opened revealing Jasper and Emmett holding several shopping bags, While Emmett looked ready to drop the bag and run. Renesmee ran to the door to greet Alice and Rosalie.

"Hi Ness are you ready for our fashion show?" chimed Alice and she walked inside while Rosalie picked up Renesmee and brought her inside.

"YES!!" giggled Renesmee.

Edward thought he was being paranoid and shook it off as he joined his daughter and sisters inside. The day went by with everybody doing something until Esme, Carlisle, and Bella returned. When they returned Renesmee, Rosalie and Alice put on the fashion while making Bella try to own some clothes as well much to Bella's dismay. The day ended for little Renesmee as her parents took her up her room in the house and settle her in. They kissed her head and went downstairs, what they didn't notice in the corner waiting for them to leave the room.

The hooded figure walked slowly towards Renesmee trying to go unnoticed and waved their hand in front her face to make sure she stayed asleep. The figure scooped her up and quickly jumped out the window and ran fast away from the Cullens house.

While Edward couldn't shake when the feeling that something wasn't right, he felt that it was weird that he thought he saw someone around the Cullens house when he noticed that he heard a creak from upstairs and then the absence of his daughter's heartbeat. He wasn't the only one who notice as everybody froze before they ran upstairs to see much to their horror Renesmee wasn't in her bed. Panicked they all left the house all running in different directions trying to find Renesmee. Bella and Edward went to the cottage and looked but didn't find her there and ran toward to Jacob and told what happened, he phased to his wolf form and ran through the forest after Bell and Edward to find their daughter, but by then it was too late the figure was already swimming away smirking on how easy it seemed taking the Cullens', heart. It only grew when they heard the Cullens screaming and the howls of a wolf.

(So how did you guys like so far, let me know what you think, and I'll try to update soon).

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