Hunting Season

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It has been a month since Alec was forced into staying with the Romanian coven and everything seemed to have a routine. Such as the day begins with breakfast with the "royal family" who are Stefan, Vladimir, his two daughters Alicia and Arianna, Didyme and Renesmee. Apparently, there is another member of the family that is currently in a mission but is rumored to be returning soon. After Renesmee went with her duties or checking on the statuses on the guards and training of the guards. Alec is unaware of what training is as Stefan stated that he has not reached that privilege yet. So, while Renesmee is with the guards during training Alec stay in the castle with Arianna who is not as bad as he thought. According to Arianna, Renesmee has spoken positively about the Volturi guard and both girls find him "interesting". After once Renesmee returns they either the day with Arianna or Didyme, until its time for dinner. Then to end the day is returning to his chambers and converse until Renesmee leaves to sleep.

Over the month he and Renesmee have moved from that awkward stage and have become acquainted with each other. Renesmee loves hearing about the many places Alec has visited but she never asks why he visits a certain area. He also notices that she makes sure not to talk about places in the United States probably because of her thinking her coven being "murdered". There are times when he tries to touch on that subject but she quickly changes the subject. In return, Renesmee talks about herself like how she did not start as a member of the royal family but as a guard of Arianna. Then it changed when Didyme decided to adopt her and someone else and how Arianna and she are very close, to the point the Alicia has become very rude towards Renesmee. As Alicia does not appreciate first, not being the center of attention, and second having Renesmee steal away her family.

Over the month Alec has only had one meeting so far with Stefan and Vladimir, to which they ask him multiple questions about the Volturi guard, his masters, who have powers and other questions. Of course, he does not give specific details in his answers, and when Renesmee is asked to make sure he is not keeping any information out she always seems to lie for him. Whenever he asks her why is she lying she simply states.

"You told me to stay out of your head and I'm trying my hardest comply with your request."

Today started like all the other day before, with breakfast with the family only when Renesmee stood to leave for the training she was stopped by Vladimir. After a few silent moments between the two having a mental conversation. She then turned to Alec and motion her to follow her to the chambers.

"I have a day off today as someone is coming today" she giddily informed him as they enter his chamber.

Alec raised his eyebrow of how excited she was for the newcomer, and connected the dots on how its the missing family member and Didyme's second adopted child, meaning Renesmee's "sibling".

After a few hours, Didyme came also very excited to Alec's chamber to bring Renesmee into the throne room. Renesmee didn't even wait for Didyme and Alec as she disappeared, leaving Didyme laughing and bringing Alec and herself to the throne room. Before they reached the throne room's door a guard stopped them and told Alec to put on a cloak. Which made both Didyme and Alec puzzled but neither question it and were allowed to enter once Alec was wearing the cloak. There the saw Renesmee and another male embracing, this male was quite tall and if Alec didn't know any better would think it was Edward Cullen. Although he looked around a year younger and had hazel eyes instead of golden. Another thing is that the male had a heartbeat that matched Renesmee's heartbeat. The male turned and with Renesmee made his way towards him and Didyme. Didyme embraced the male with a strong hug before she planted a kiss on his forehead.

"How was your traveling sweetheart?" Didyme asked as she ran her finger through the male's bronze hair.

"It was well mother, not too interesting nor boring, I missed you and Renesmee though." He replied while turning to Renesmee and then back to Didyme when he noticed Alec.

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