Romanian Coven

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~10 years later~

Two black hooded figures were traveling through a forest of Romania, looking around trying to find something in the forest. Both were part of the Volturi guard sent by Aro to look around the region and see if the find anything.

"Remind me, again Alec why are we here?" asked one of the figures.

"If you pay attention, you would know that Master Aro sent here to see if we can get a lead of another kidnapping of a half-breed, ask me one more time and I will use my power on you" snapped Alec as he lowered his hood and looked around the forest.

"Yeah but why us why not sent Demetri, you know the tracker?" snapped back the hooded figure.

"Demetri is currently on another mission, Elijah, and please shut your mouth you are annoying me, so stop whining and try to find something we can bring back to Master Aro." Snapped Alec rolling his eyes he walked in front and looked around the forest.

Out of the corner of his eye Alec could have sworn he saw a figure past by him, he turned and was ready to pursue the figure when Elijah went in front of him. Growling Alec moved away from him.

Looking around Elijah look at Alec and raised an eyebrow "What are you looking at Alec there is nobody there?"

Growling Alec turns away from Elijah "I thought I saw something but thanks to you I lost sight of it, why don't you make yourself useful and go south and I take north, and we will meet back here in an hour."

Alec didn't give Elijah time to answer as he turned and ran toward where the figure took off hoping he could find it. After a few minutes of nothing Alec about gave up on the search when he was suddenly hit with scent of Vanilla and Cinnamon, he decided to follow the scent when he caught sight of a figure who didn't look much taller than him, the figure was crouching down looking at the ground with their back towards Alec. Thinking this person may have connections to the kidnappings he decided to release his mist towards the figure to numb them and take them back to Volterra. Although before the mist could reach the figure, the figure jolted up and turned and ran away which made Alec growl and ran after the figure.

Thinking that they could lose Alec the figure decided to jump into the trees and jump across them which Alec thought was foolish and followed them. Soon Alec realized the figure was running towards an old castle and jumped over a gate; he decided to speed up before he could use the figure in the castle. As for right when Alec about caught the figure when the figure stopped, and turn to face him. Alec also stopped, and before he knew what happened he transport to a place he seemed to remember, he looked around and he saw was angry villagers shouting things at him.


"Kill Them before they kill us!"

"Burn the witches!" was shouted by villagers as the lit something and soon engulfed Alec.

Alec realized he was transported to when he was burned as a witch, with that in mind Alec heard a blood curling scream the made him turn to his right and saw his twin trying to escape from her stake, as she screamed bloody murder and desperately tug and her bonds as the fire engulfed her. Alec froze as his lungs started to fill with smoke and wondered how he was back at stake. He waited for Aro to appear and save them but he never came, after what seemed hours of hearing his twin screaming Alec felt something clasped around his neck and as he blacked out.

When he came about, he noticed he was inside the castle, and there was a room full of vampires around him and glaring at him when he heard someone speak.

"Well, Well who do we have here, one of the Volturi's witch twins" Alec turn to find the source of the voice when he saw Stefan smirking at him as Vladimir sat next to him also smirking at him. Alec also notices they sitting on thrones like his masters and in steps below them was two beautiful women one with platinum blonde hair and one with dirty blonde hair who look like royalty also smirking at him. Next, to Stefan and Vladimir, two figures were hooded one with a forest green dress and navy blue dress, when Alec realized one of the hooded figures was the one he was chasing.

Alec tried to use his mist, but nothing would happen, confused he touch his neck and felt a collar around his neck that only made Stefan laugh and make Alec more irritated.

"I'm afraid we can't allow you to use your power," Vladimir said as he smugly looked at Alec and turned to Stefan "So what should we do with this Volturi Scum."

Before Stefan could answer Vladimir one of the females, the one with dirty blonde hair spoke up "I say we burn him and sent his ashes back to his masters and his witch twin."

"Alicia that would be foolish as we can't risk the Volturi finding out about our coven, and father asked for Uncle's opinion, not yours." replied the platinum-haired female as she rolled her eyes.

"Arianna don't-"

"That's enough from both of you!" snapped Vladimir at his two daughters, who glare at Alec as if he was to blame and bowed their heads.

"Now, again what to do with the witch twin, perhaps we ca- yes what is it, my dear," Vladimir spoke as he turned his head to the right towards the hooded figure. They stayed silent for a moment before Vladimir hummed and seemed to think about some before he replied to the figure.

"Yes, but how can we be sure he would try to escape or cause harm... yes, I suppose we can do that. Let me have a moment to discuss it until then take the witch twin to the dungeons and make sure he doesn't escape." Stefan and Vladimir rose and left to with the hooded figure with the green dress while the rest stayed behind.

Two guards came behind Alec and took by his arms and dragged to the dungeons as he was thrown and locked up. The two guards glare at him and disappeared to upstairs muttering how the witch twin should just be killed. After a few minutes, the door opened, and hooded figure, with the navy blue dress, appeared in front of Alec's cell and threw in a bag of red liquid that Alec saw was blood.

"You should drink it, who knows when you will able to have another feed." Spoke the figure, their voice sounded like a chime of bells. As the figure turned and left the dungeons, after a few minutes of him staring at the bag of blood. Alec rip opens the bag and hungrily drank the blood, right before the guard came back down and opened his cell.

"Get up the masters have decided your fate Volturi scum." Snapped one of the guards as the dragged him back up to the throne room where it seemed nothing hand changed except everyone was standing with Vladimir in the front while holding the person with the navy dress.

Once Vladimir saw Alec he sneered and said: "We decided before we can think about killing you, that we will found out how the Volturi has been doing these past few years and get the information we need." "If it were up to me, I would let you rot in the cell, but it seems my lovely adopted daughter took pity on you, so you will able to walk around the grounds on certain terms." "You are not allowed to leave the grounds and be constantly watched; you will also need to serving as a guard to my adopted daughter... although she is capable of defending herself, know this one harm comes to her while you are here and you will be set on fire."

Vladimir and the hooded figure walked closer to Alec, Vladimir glared at him before he turned to the figure. "You may lower your hood, my dear."

As the figure lowered her hood, Vladimir introduced her which shocked Alec and could not believe you the person was.

"Alec meet my adopted daughter Renesmee Carlie Cullen Romanini."

( Let me know what you think about this chapter and I will try to 

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