Enter Dimi

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Renesmee sighed but agreeing with her brother, after all, it was no use arguing against her father and uncle. She nodded and led both boys out of Alec's chamber and towards the throne room. The walk towards the room was a silent one with Renesmee nervously biting her lip and occasionally looking back at her brother and Alec. Both boys saw her glances, and while Andrew gave her a comforting smile, Alec became confused about why she was so nervous about the meeting. In front of the throne room was Nathan, waiting for the three of them, once he noticed went towards them and smiled at the twins while nodding to Alec. When Renesmee saw the handcuffs he was holding, she grimaced, knowing what will happen.

"My masters want me to make sure you won't do anything reckless Volturi, so they have asked me to cuff you," Nathan stated while cuffing Alec.

"You do know I can easily break them off, right?" Questioned Alec but allowed himself.

"They aren't regular cuffs Volturi," Nathan answered back while rolling his back, then turned to Renesmee. "They want you to enter first Ren, to become a shield if one or the other should try something."

Renesmee sighed, "I don't like how they are insinuating that there will be a physical confliction between them that I have to act like a barrier." then walked past the three boys but was stop by Nathan.

"I know Ren, but it's better to be safer than risking it; hopefully, they're smart and won't do anything dumb." He explained while caressing her cheek.

Andrew cleared his throat and glared at Nathan "I think you should go sissy lets try not to drag this out any longer."

Alec, in the background, stared as Renesmee left, entering the throne room, while an ugly feeling formed in the bottom of his stomach from seeing the interaction between the shapeshifter and half-vampire. However, before he could question the feeling, he was asked to be in the middle of both Romanian's and followed to enter the same room the princess had entered when he heard a beautiful sound. It was laughter from a female and male, but what he caught as beautiful was the female's laugh, it sounded like wind chimes blowing from the wind. Nathan paused a moment before peaking in and after a confirmation opened the throne room.

There in the room were the high raking guards standing in a semi-circle. At the same time, the royal family was either sitting or standing on their little stage rather similar to how they were when he was first brought in, and in the middle of everyone was Renesmee smiling in the arms of a figure whose scent again seemed familiar to Alec. Although once Rensemee noticed Alec, Andrew, and Nathan, her smile left her face and replaced with worry and untangling herself from the figure.

"What's with the face beautiful?" Asked the cloaked figure, but before he could turn, Alec spoke up, recognizing the voice.

"Dimitri?" Alec questioned while trying to walk towards the figure.

While Andrew grimaced and both Renesmee and the figure tensed, but before Alec could walk any closer, Nathan stopped him. The figure turned, and there he was Dimitri, Aro's best tracker, in all his glory, looking at Alec with confusion.

"Alec? What are you doing here?" Dimitri questioned back, while Renesmee moved in front of him.

"I could be asking you the same?" growled Alec while glaring at him.

" I..." before Dimitri was able to reply; he was interrupted by Stefan.

"I don't mean to intrude in this lovely reunion, but we really must keep in the schedule, as you all know training for the High guards that would have been taking place next has moved to tomorrow. All thanks to Dimitri, who offered his talents and helped track our equipment for the training session."
Stefan spoke will nodding in gratitude to Dimitri while Dimitri bowed his head before placing poker face on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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