Enter the Hidden Ones

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"Alec meet my adopted daughter Renesmee Carlie Cullen Romanini."

Alec could only put as being puzzled of how can the Cullen's darling offspring be in Romania away from her family. When he heard a voice that seemed to be coming from his head.

"Please follow me, I'll show you to your chambers". He looked up and saw Renesmee look at him and then walked outside the throne room.

He quickly followed trying not to notice all the death glares he was receiving from vampires and an alarmingly amount of half-breeds and creatures that smelled very grotesque.

"They do smell because they are shapeshifters, Alec" Chimed Renesmee, who stopped when she noticed he was taking too long. Alec scowled at her "Never go inside my head again or.."

"Sorry, but I'm going to stop you right there before you get killed. Now come along we need to find your chambers." Renesmee said as she turned and walked away, but paused to make sure this time Alec was following her.

After a few minutes of walking towards the guards' wards, Arianna found them and informed them that Stefan and Vladimir placed Alec's chamber close to Renesmee's chamber to keep a closer eye on the Volturi guard. So with that, they went towards the chambers and saw that his chamber was literally next to Renesmee's chambers, upon walking closer to his chambers there was a guard waiting for them.

"The Masters have sent some guidelines for... him" the guard glare at Alec when stating Him. and continued "First, He always must be in your sights or near you, he is not allowed to free roam without you. Second, he needs to have meetings with the masters whenever they want to inquire about any information they deem useful to us. Third, The neck brace needs to always stay on him unless permitted, we can't risk him trying to use his powers on us. Fourth, to remember he is now serving as your personal guard and should he turn against you or any harm is placed upon you he will be interrogated before being destroyed". While the last remark the guard smirk at Alec and turned, although he before he could be too far away he paused and faced them again "Oh and if he breaks any of the guidelines he will be set on fire." with that the guard disappeared and left Alec and Renesmee alone in the hallway.

"I wish I could convince them to let to take away the neck brace to grant you some freedom, and it doesn't really make sense to not allow the usage of your power if you are to be my guard... I'll try harder next time I meet with Vladimir and Stefan, Alec" Renesmee told Alec while she opens the chamber door and allowed him to enter.

"First, Are you not afraid that I will use my power against you and secondly, why do you care," questioned Alec while he observed the chamber. It was a pretty spacious room, with a queen size bed in the middle of the room, dressers in one side of the wall and a desk and bookshelf in the other. There were a large walk-in closet and a restroom attached to the room.

"Because I don't believe you should be some sort of prisoner an-"

Alec with a huff quickly turned to Renesmee making her jump and snapped at her. "You are just upset you got stuck with a babysitter, because clearly, Vladimir does not trust you enough, besides I do not need your pity half-breed."

Hurt flashed briefly on Renesmee before she quickly replaced it with a small smile and bowed her head. "I'll let you rest if you need anything you can call for me next door... I'll see you tomorrow Alec."

With that Renesmee turned and left the room, Alec scoffed not caring if he hurt the feelings of the Cullen spawn and turned and walked towards the bookshelf looking anything interesting. On the shelf, there were mostly classic books of different genres. Finally, he chose to settle for Dracula, although he always saw it as a comedic representation of vampires, huh if only humans knew even a snippet of the truth of his species. Once he finished the book he decided to explore a little of his 'chamber' when he caught a glimpse of the outside. There he could see the castle grounds and the different species of vampires, half-breeds, and so-called shape-shifters. there was the so call the wards for the guards in the east in the middle was a plaza-like area and towards the west was The way it was set up it reminded him of old kingdoms with villages around the palace. It reminded him about the village he used to live in when he was human. Then after he finished scooping out the area he continued with other books from the shelf, until he noticed that the sun was rising to start a new day. He then started to hear the plaza and castle start to come live with noise when his door open to reveal Renesmee in a short burgundy dress that reaches just above her knees and she left behind her long cape and hood.

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