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Renesmee, Alec, and Andrew all returned to the castle and continued into the throne room; the whole coven was waiting for them. Stefan and Vladimir were on their thrones while Didyme stood behind them with Arianna and Alicia sitting on the stairs below. This scene was similar to Alec although now everyone was gracing him with smiles, or pained smiles mostly coming from Didyme and Arinna. Renesmee and Andrew remained with a poker face that they placed ever since they left the clearing and proceeded to kneel in front of the leaders, while Alec remained standing.

"Rise, my children; you have made not only your mother and me proud but your entire family."

Stated Vladimir while the whole coven roared with cheers. Renesmee and Andrew both rose and stood next to Alec but remained stoic. Vladimir rose his hand to silence the crowd before he turned his attention to Alec.

"Now, Alec, it seems we misjudge you boy, you have proven some alliance I would say calls for an award of some sorts."

This caused quite the shock throughout the coven, especially the royals. Alicia was the one who was the most surprised, which turned into anger, giving a glare towards Alec and Renesmee. As if Renesmee was the one who told Vladimir that Alec should be awarded. Guards and the rest of the coven all whispered wondering what kind of award would their master give to the Volturi.

"It's not a big award, but it is still an award none the less ... First, you are now allowed to free roam within castle grounds without Andrew or Renesmee by your side. Second, are now an official guard and will take part in any training with the rest of the guards. Finally, since you are now an official guard, you shall be treated as a part of this family, meaning no one from the guard or royal can harm, taunt, or fight you."

This was a shock to most of the coven to think just a little test could give this much freedom to someone who is supposed to be a prisoner. While others silently knew this was another test, killing Elijah was just the first part of the test. Alicia, although was fuming on how weak her father was becoming allowing so much freedom to an enemy. Her thoughts were cut short when her uncle dismissed most of the coven only leaving the highest-ranking guards.

Stefan cleared his throat "Now back to regular business; we need to change the schedules of Princess Renesmee, Prince Andrew, and for Alec. Nathan..."

Alec turned to see the person named Nathan, who steps from out of the crowd, this was supposedly one of Renesmee's strays. Nathan was a dark-skinned, 6'0 young man with brown hair but golden eyes. They were different from the Cullens golden eyes though as Nathan's were more yellow that reminded Alec of a Child of the moon. He remembered that Andrew stated that Nathan was a shape-shifter.

"Nathan, who is tasked for the next week who will guide Alec with guard training and duties while Princess Renesmee and Prince Andrew also resume their duties."

"Yes, master" affirmed Nathan while he stared at Alec for a moment then turned and smiled at Renesmee before he was dismissed with the rest of the guards to return to their positions.

Vladimir stood from his throne, prompting everyone to either stand or give their attention. "Well today was certainly was an exciting day, you may return to your chambers and will be in attendance tomorrow for breakfast at the dining room. Rest well."

Vladimir stated while looking at everyone before he disappeared from the throne room. Stefan and Alicia both followed Vladimir leaving Arianna, Didyme, Andrew, Renesmee and Alec alone in the throne room. Didyme smiled give a hug to each princess and prince and bid them all a good night before she too left the throne room after there was a silent moment with no one else moving when Renesmee broke the silence with a quiet sigh and walked away towards her chambers. The rest all look at each other before they too started to follow Renesmee out of the throne room and towards her chamber. Which puzzled Renesmee as all she wanted to do was climb into her bed and sleep away, but she did not have the heart to send everyone away especially to Arianna and Andrew as she always loves the times they spend together.

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