01. Paris?

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Jane's POV

"Look, you know that your father and I care about your thoughts, and we're sorry if you think that somehow what we are doing is to ruin your highschool experience" she paused. "But I mean come on. You are probably the only teenager who would complain about being sent to study in Paris."

How can she even say those words. She doesn't care about my thoughts. She can barely even bare my existence.

Of course. That is why she wants to make me study there; I'll be out of her hair. Her annoyingly, tight, ponytail gripped hair that I feel like ripping off right this moment. Woah, okay I sound freaky and like I have anger issues. I'll stop.

"Oh for fuck's sake! I am not complaining about that, it is amazing that you want to send me to Paris, but I am complaining about this being the worst possible timing you could have chosen!" I exclaimed along with an incredulous look.

"Watch your tongue you ungrateful little sh-"

"Well it doesn't seem like you are. I am entering as a senior in highschool. I am president of four commitees and eight clubs. I have a boyfriend; with whom things are getting pretty serious. I have everything planned out for this year already. Don't make me go somewhere I have to be unprepared and not know anything about. Don't make me start over. You can't always do this. It isn't your life that's changing, it's mine!"

"We've moved almost every year and I have settled into this town, the people, the vibe mom. Don't make me start over." I said with a tear escaping my left eye before I could stop it.

I'm just tired of starting over.

I am tired of her always not devoting her full attention, or at least pretending to. Like now for example, she is on her phone texting yet again for her job that is oh-so much more important than me, instead of even taking into consideration my thoughts. I mean I know I sound like a brat and it's her job. She has to, but this is a whole life adjustment we are talking about here. My life. It's something that I should at least have time to absorb or even grasp the concept. But no. Madam Stick Up Her Ass is in charge.

Her face suddenly morphed from of look of slight irritation to exasperation. "Those are excuses Jane. Not reasons. As for your Boyfriend, if things are as serious as you say then he will have no difficulty waiting until after the school year for us to decide where you will be studying for university and where things will take off from there. You are going to Paris and that's final."

"Start packing the obvious necessities, and I'll see the rest of the things I'll send you to go shopping for. You have a week until your gone." she ordered in a clipped tone.

"A week?" I asked in merely a whisper.

"Yes the semester starts in August there unlike here in September. Sorry about that. Now stop being childish and- Oh I have to take this call." and with that she exited my room.


Do I actually want to go to Paris? Yes.

Do I want to go now? Yes.

Do I want to go to a sucky Global School in Paris program? No.

Am I scared to go? Yes.

'Why I just told my mom I didn't want to go' you might be asking...

Well, I just hate that she made the decision for me. I had no opinion. What if I actually didn't want to go? She always decides what I will be doing, where I'll be going, even things like what I wear, and who I'm dating. She wants me to be the perfect crimson cheeked teen that wears polo shirts and does whatever her bright ruby red lipped, buisness suited, perfectionist mother wants. I'm a puppet and she pulls the strings. Both my parents are perfectionists and it is overbearing.

There's just all these feelings I feel and I have no way to say it. I just feel like I'm going to explode anger, passion, hate, lust, truth, pain, and so forth all at once somehow. And living with people like that I am not allowed to express anything. Everything is monotone.

I'm sick of it.

Then again I guess 'Perri' isn't so horrible. I'll be thousands of miles away from the person I'm bound to call my mother, I'll become a Parisian, learn the French way of life, and maybe even meet a french babe... ooh-la-la. This could change me.

And a free shopping spree is involved this week. I'll max out her credit card. Hmmph.

If there's questions about the boyfriend mentioned earlier and how she wants to meet a french babe; I am not stupid I got it all ready. Even have a notebook for this (;

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