06. Wake Me Up

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Jane's POV

At last after a small tour of the area we arrive at a building named "École Mondiale de Salles de Paris de Résidence"

Wow. This is enormous.

"Here we are mad'am.Thee halls of reseedence." the chauffeur I now know is named Marcel pulls the car over to the main entrance.

"Wait, umm Marcel?" I ask in confusion.


"Where's the high school? I only see the doorms here..."

"Oh, non, the school ees a leetle farther from here, right by thee 'Promesse Café'." he says with a slight chuckle as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"Uh-hmm okay, well thank you Marcel. It's been a pleasure." I'll just figure it out later. Google was made for a reason, right? I hopped off grabbing my one suitcase I brought to live off of while everything else is being delivered to me. It feels lighter than it had when I first got on the car. Weird.

"Likewise mad'am." he tips his hat and speeds off.

Deep breaths Jane.

Deep breaths.

No one knows anything.

Fresh start.


I climbed up the concrete steps and tripped on the very last but caught balance before I actually fell. As I enter the main floor I look in awe at my home for the next year.

Home. This is my home now. I belong somewhere...

The thought nearly brings me to tears. No, it has brought me to tears. Soft, happy tears.

"I'm home." I giggle while I wipe my eyes quickly.

The walls are an ivory white. There are large windows on an each opposite wall with red velvet curtains cascaded over them. A ray of the midnight moon shines through. It's like a vivid dream. It's there but it doesn't seem real. Yes, just like a vivid, fluorescent dream.

"Ahhh! Jane Blunt, yes?" a woman startles me out of my observation. Oh my... wow. She's old. The elderly woman seems to be a little too old to be here alone.

"Yes Ma'am?"

"You are the last person on my list who needed to check in to your dorm. Hurry, hurry, we have a curfew here. Ten o' clock dear, and it is the first time so I will let it slide; we don't want to give people an idea that they can be late when they like it alright? Okay." she says in a rushed, clipped tone. Guess her demeanor is only a disguise for the manner she speaks.

Well isn't someone strict and a bit snappy. Gosh.

"Second floor, room twelve. I just checked in with your suite-mate and she was barely unpacking! Children now-a-days; so lazy and experts in procrastination." she shakes her head.

"Oh suite-mate? I didn't know we share a ro--"

"Mhmm. Okay she's been here for mmm... two/three years. Tracy will answer all your questions, I assure it." she interrupts.

Her name tag reads 'Ms. Hastings'.

Wonder why she's not married...

"Okay, thank you Ms. Hastings. I'll head up now, sorry about the curfew thing. Won't happen again. Promise." I rush towards the elevator.

"Wait, wait! Your key child! Your key." she grunts.

Is she, like, always going to be here? I understand it is late and she could be tired, but what have I done wrong? I've been polite, and apologized for my lack of knowledge towards the dorms I am attending, is she only this way towards me?

"Umm, sorry I'm not usually this lost, thank you again and good night." I dismiss myself.

* * *

"Are you always this quiet?" my suite-mate asks.

"Sorry I am just so tired Tracy." I yawn.

"Awe, Jay you should rest, I still have to unpack and organize... aargh." she groans. "Oh, and call me Trace please. I like you and we're roomies so we should get a head start in the whole friendship thing I guess, yeah?" she rambles on while having the biggest grin her mouth can manage.

"Of course, Trace!" I whip up my common 'looks really excited' smile. She gives me the girliest giggle in return.

She looks so content. I can't remember the last time I honestly felt the best I could possibly be. It's all a down pour of sad thoughts and a mountain of battered-broken emotions. The fact that I accept it is what scares me the most. I don't even try to do anything about it anymore.

"Thanks for enlightening me with all the dos' and do nots'. It's really different from my ex-high school. Especially now that I am living in a dormitory. It's just epic." I start walking towards the bathroom that conjoins our room.

"Wait, hold on!" she stops me.

"Hmm?" I have grown tired of her presence. As all anti-social hermits like myself would feel.

"I know school still hasn't started, but I wake up for a daily exercises and stuff but I have serious jet-lag and that means I won't hear my alarm. So could you wake me up at seven, right on the dot? Pleeaaase." Wonderful. She exercises. I am out of my element.

"Sure thing I'm usually awake by that time." insomniac's lie.

"Oh. Em. Gee. Thank you!" enough with the excitement, please. It's hurting me.

I take that as my cue to leave before she asks anything else of me that could lead to potential fuck-ups. I go through the restroom and lock the door from my room that is the entry to it the second I'm able to. You know, I just don't want to seem too available.

At least I finished placing my clothes in the drawers and closet. I pull on my basket ball shorts and grab my hair up with an elastic. And finally the moment every girl waits for at the end of the day: take my bra off and switch on a tank-top.

Oh, sweet freedom.

While grabbing my laptop I jump into bed and pull my blanket up to me. Stupid duvet won't come until the day after tomorrow.

"What ever shall I do tonight to keep me busy?" I ponder aloud.

"Eureka! I shall log on to my online paradise! Haveth ye way and leadeth thy clicker to the land of gifs and no hiding whatsoever... -ith." I order myself. Occupied like this every night. Doesn't seem like much of a switch-up to my usual routine.

I can't fail again. This is the only chance I'll get to make it better. One night of this couldn't possibly cause further damage, could it?

Sorry this was boring. I had to get it out of the way so it could get to a better part ya' know? I am very proud of how this is going so far, honestly. I didn't think it would get noticed as much as this has. To those who have added this to your library thank you so, so, so much. This should be dedicated to all of you but there's two special people out there who have given me so much motivation. Abby, and Ella... thank you dolls. I know this may not be on the level where i'm able to set goals and you would reach them but I want to try and see how many of you are enveloped enough... 3 votes?


jasmine xx

p.s. tweet me at @flxwerrchild or follow me on instagram for future updates/notifications @flxwerrchild comment for a follow back and you'll get one

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