Chapter 7

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Sorrrrry this took longer than I wanted it to..  I am officially out of High School though :D Just waiting for graduation ahh

Jimin's POV

I sat still... I couldn't believe it was happening. When I leave this hospital I might be leaving with the ability to hear. That seemed so strange to me, so weird. I had never really minded that I couldn't hear, never thought I was missing much but sometimes when Yoongi is explaining to me something about his music I would wish and pray that I would be able to hear it...

The doctor was going over everything with my mom while I sat there like a child not knowing what was being said. As if suddenly I was asked to lay down on a bed which I did and I was being rolled into the surgery room.

Beep Beep Beep

I covered my ears as the unknown sound grew louder and louder. I clenched my teeth and sat up my head throbbing.

"Jimin Baby, you need to lay back down... Can you hear me?" A woman spoke.

I could hear her... It was hazy and loud, so freaking loud but I could hear her. I nodded lightly wincing. Strong hands pushed my shoulders back until I was laying down. I felt someone clip off something from around my ears and everything got much quieter... but I could still hear slight fumbling and mumbling.

"Is that better?" A man asked and I nodded.

"I'm Dr. Kim, I know this is all going to be very overwhelming but in time you are going to have to start wearing the hearing aids to hear everything clearly. For now it's okay if you don't and you just focus on hearing some while reading my lips for the words you can't hear." The Doctor said and I nodding still looking at his lips out of habit.

"Hi Jimin baby... I hope my voice isn't annoying to you." My mom said tears on her cheeks as she smiled at me.

I smiled tears filling my eyes and quickly falling down onto my shirt.

I nodded and looked back at my mom before signing, "You're voice is very pretty."

She chuckled before hugging me tightly, I hugged her back and whimpered slightly as I cried. I heard my own whimper, I heard my mom, I can hear. After I contained my fleeting emotions I looked around the room and saw Jin, Namjoon and the doctor giving me kind smiles.

"Hey Kid, guess I can't shit talk you anymore." Jin said making me gape.

"Guess not." Namjoon said making me stare at them in confusion.

Suddenly laughter erupted into the room and everyone was laughing. Where was Yoongi? I want Yoongi... I need Yoongi...!

I shot up in my bed covered in sweat as my mom held me in her arms. She looked at me and signed, "You're okay bad dream...."

I nodded my head and wiped away my tears that had shed from the painful dream. It struck worry in my heart, what if that actually happens when I'm able to hear? What if I don't like everything people say about me?

"Do you want Yoongi to come over?" My mom asked me suddenly as if she could read my mind.

"Why?" I signed not sure how she knew.

"In your sleep, I knew you were having a bad dream because you screamed... You screamed his name." My mom said making my eyes pop from my head.

How much do I freaking talk? I was going to tell my mom no when suddenly she was on the phone.

"What are you doing?" I mouthed to her but she just smiled before hanging up.

"He is on his way, you fell asleep really early so it's only 8 so don't worry about it. You need someone right now Jimin I can't imagine how stressed and scared you are." My mom said sighing before leaving the room.

I was at a loss, I didn't want my mom to worry about me but I was scared. I had good reason to be but I'm also happy, I just have to focus on the happy and ignore the worry.

With in 20 minutes Yoongi was standing in my doorway with a confused but worried face. I sighed silently, or I assumed silently before looking away.

"What did my mom tell you?" I signed.

"She said you were having a bad dream and you screamed, but this time you said a word." He signed as he sat next to me on the bed.

I looked down and played with my thumbs, I didn't want to admit how scared I was.

"I'm scared." I signed after a few minutes of silence.

"I know, I'm scared too." Yoongi signed back smiling at me slightly.

"Why are you scared?" I asked and he sighed.

"What if you don't like how I sound? What if I'm annoying?" Yoongi asked in a pleading manner even though I could only read his lips.

"I don't think you could annoy me. I'm scared it will be loud and scary. What if people are saying bad things about me this whole time and I just never knew? I don't want to hear what they have to say about me." I signed feeling my eyes welling up with tears again.

"Don't worry about that, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you and if someone says something tell me and i'll say something really unpleasant to them." Yoongi mouthed to me.

I silently laughed biting my lip. I knew I was beginning to depend on Yoongi in a way that was more than a friend but I didn't want to admit it, I just hoped that Yoongi wouldn't reject me when I told him how I felt. I wouldn't say it until I could actually verbally say it however.

"What was your dream about?" He signed to me after another minute of silence.

I looked at my hands before lifting them up to sign it.

"I had my hearing back... It was very loud... Jin and Namjoon were there but they were saying how now they couldn't trash talk me anymore because I would be able to hear them... You weren't there." I signed and he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I promise I will be there the second you wake up Jimin." Yoongi signed to me and took my hand in his afterwards.

I smiled at him and played with his thumb. It was larger than mine and his fingers had a slight callous to them, probably from always typing.

Thankfully Yoongi never asked what I said when I screamed so I didn't have to lie or admit the embarrassing truth. He offered to stay the night but I felt bad making him so I told him I would be fine.

"Are you Jimin? I don't mind at all." He signed to me one last time at the door.

"I'm sure. I'll text you if I really need you but I'm okay I promise." I signed back.

"Okay, night Jimin. I'll see you tomorrow." He signed before smiling and leaving.

I'm going to try and update again today as well to make up for the lack of updates :D

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