eight ; lets go

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E I G H T  ;  L E T S  G O

'just you and me baby girl'

Scarlett walked down from the porch seeing Paul leaning up against his car, arms folded, wearing a shirt and pants no less a sight that Scarlett hadnt seen in quite some time

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Scarlett walked down from the porch seeing Paul leaning up against his car, arms folded, wearing a shirt and pants no less a sight that Scarlett hadnt seen in quite some time. She was dressed in a simple pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt, Pauls to be exact, and black slippers on her feet as it was 7 in the morning. She was shocked awake from the shrill ring of her cell phone, imagine her surpise when it was Paul on the other line when she had thought that he was sleeping right besides her. He hasitly told her to come out side, and in fear of something horrible she leaped out of bed and hurried down the stairs and outside.

"What the hell Paul, its 7 a.m, it shouldnt even be legal to be awake at this hour," She cried out, crossing her arms and staring angirly at her boyfriend. She had healed realitvely quickly after the bite from the vampire which had taken place over two weeks ago, but of course she milked the ailment to the furthest of her ability. Having someone bring her food and movies and whatever else she wished was quite nice.

"You ready to go?" He asked, a knowing smirk on his face.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "What? Go where?" She certainly didnt want to go anywhere at this hour, hell the sun was barely even up at this point she should still be stuck in bed, wrapped in her covers bundled up in warmth and sleepiness.

"Our trip rememeber, you said and I quote ' 2 months of just me and you travelling the country, seeing the sights?' ring any bells?" Paul asked, his body still leaning against the car.

"I canceled it Paul, we were supposed to leave the day after graduation but everything with the newborns got in the way, I had to refund the plane tickets and everything," He reached his hand down into his pocket pulling out two pieces of paper,

"And I bought them back, lets go baby just you and me," Scarlett gaped at her boyfriend in front of her, that cocky grin on his face as he watched her surprised shocked face.

"Wha-I-I cant just leave I havent packed anything, I dont have--" Before she could even finish the front door swung open and her mother walked out, two suitcases in her hands that she dropped down on the porch. Scarletts eyes widened in shock at her mother who grinned brightly at her, "Mom?"

"You've always wanted to travel baby girl, and I know you've been stressed about the pack and everything but Sam can handle, go be young, travel, see new places, be happy thats all ive ever wanted for you," Scarlett was shocked into silence, her mouth opned, eyes widened. Alexa looked over to Paul, "I think we broke her,"

Paul let out a laugh just as Scarlett launched herself into her moms arms, tears welling in her eyes, "Thanks mom," Her words were sincere and true, she wasnt sure what she had done in her life to deserve such an amazing mother who stood by her side for always and forever. She listened when she needed a ear, she let her daughter make her own choices and supported her no matter what even when she made mistakes, Scarlett was truly blessed.

In more ways than one, along with an amazing mother, her soul mate was equally as wonderful. She couldnt believe the kindness that was Paul Lahote, and sure maybe it was just towards her for the most part but she was still rattled by him every day. He was known to be the player in town, the guy that messed with women then dumped them like trash the next day, who got into fights with random guys and said words in anger. But with Scarlett he was someone else, a new person, a guy who strived to be better in every aspects of his life.

He wanted to be a man worthy of the girl that stood by his side, he wanted to be a man that she could be proud to call her own. A man that would be a great husband and father at one point in their life, he wanted to be good; better.

"You ready babe?"

"Hell yeah," She hurried back into the house quickly throwing on some decent clothes, brushing her teeth and hair before running back out after a quick goodbye to her mom, she climbed into the car ready for the next couple months full of adventure with her love.


The couple travelled up and down the United States, stopping in places they had never been but always dreamed about going. They saw the Hollywood sign in Southern California, they saw Mount Rushmore, they went to the Big Apple and all over Maine indulging in a lobster feast. They made sure to stop in New Orleans where Scarlett had always wanted to go, they stopped by and got some drinks at some bar called Rousseau's which was quite nice until some blonde british guy approached them, feeling something was off with him the two left not in the mood for another fight any time soon.

They went every where they wanted just because they could, and it was invigorating to be so free with the one you loved by your side. They kept in contact with the folks back home but when they got a call from Sam telling the two that Jake had run off after getting a wedding invite from Bella and Edward they knew it was time to come home.

Scarlett couldnt believe that Bella had agreed to marry Edward, ever since they were growing up the Swan girl had been against the idea. Saying that if 50% of marriages end in divorce than what was the point, what did a piece of paper and a last name change in the grand scheme of things. It was Scarlett that had a scarp book to planning her wedding, and while she did so Bella just patiently watched her. Scarlett had promised that Bella would be her 'maid of honor' and Bella had told her that should she ever get married it would be the same. Now Scarlett doubted she would even get an invite, her childhood best friend was actually getting married, it was crazy.

She was only 18, and Scarlett had just turned 19 and even she couldnt image getting married to Paul right now, it just seemed like a rush. They were young and while Scarlett knew she would want to be with Paul for the rest of her life how was Bella supposed to know that? She had never been with anyone else, never even had sex for that matter. At least Paul and Scarlett had plenty of time to play the field, they knew what they wanted now. As for Bella, how was she supposed to know, especially when it comes to the sex what if Edward was awful in bed and now Bella was stuck with him for life because she made vows. Scarlett knew she certainly wouldnt have the problem since she had tested Pauls samples numerous times by now and she loved every inch of him, and his abilities.

Nevertheless it was happening and it set Jake off in a way that everyone expected, she knew she needed to go back for the kid who was probably breaking at the moment, so with extreme difficulty she bought a flight back to Washington, hesittate to give up the small Heaven she had found with Paul.

But duty calls, and it apparently calls often for the Q'waeti.



short update for you guys sorry!!

Ive been watching From Dusk Till Dawn and Im offically obsessed w/ it and there are like no fanfics for it on here so ive been playing with my own but i havent got a strong idea yet and if you've watched the series than you know that the Gecko Brothers are daddies okay like oh my gosh, im officially in love. AND I FUCKING LOVE RICHIE-- MY SWEET MURDEROUS CRAZY BABY 

I think ill do some one shots of the Paulett vacation at the end of the series?? what do you guys think?

pls pls pls let me know what you thought

love you all...bwh

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