Chapter 1

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Turn away
If you could get me a drink of water...

"Oh god.." He whimpered, holding his stomach. The blood in his veins didn't feel right. It felt like it was settling and solidifying. He couldn't comprehend the pain in his head or the ache in his stomach. He held his head in his hands as he rested against the counter, holding back vomit, but causing his body to shiver. He couldn't keep any warmth trapped beneath his skin because of the sudden weight-loss. He'd often break out into fever and immediately start to cold sweat and throw up when the hot and aggravating sensation was gone.


"Dallon, you're sick." His mother's voice was at a hurt whisper, despite her not caring. "I have to take you to get looked at." Mrs.Weekes loved everyone and all of her kids except for her middle son, Dallon. He was just different. He always had been. The only time she ever cared was when he was sick. That was just because she needed the outcast of the family to be the maid.

"I don't wanna go..." He couldn't speak any louder or with any expression besides a soft monotone. His throat was very dry. He couldn't eat, so he didn't want to make anything for anyone else. Just seeing food made his already weak stomach churn. The poor 15 year old could barely even pick up his book-bag, for he felt his bones hurt too much with the movement.

"You've never been this sick before. the dishes and the laundry are way behind. We haven't actually ate dinner in a while because you're not cooking. We have to get better so we can go back to living!"

"I- I'm sorry..." He choked out. "Can i please have something to drink, mom?" He never asked for anything, but he could barely stand. 

"Get it yourself." She snickered back.

Dallon's bright blue eyes began to water, but he quickly wiped them away because it was a sigh of weakness.


"Mrs.Weekes, your son does not have the flu or anything that we can tell right here. We have to do blood work, if that's okay with you? If gone un-tested he could have a simple virus or a deadly disease. We just can't tell without labcorp's input."

The woman rolled her eyes and held her long fingers on her hips. "If you must... It's not going to cost a lot, right?"

"Ma'am that shouldn't matter. And it depends on how sick your son truly is. "Doctor Boyd slipped behind the tan curtain, the only thing separating them and Dallon. The hospital room was dull, with a slow beeping noise and bright white walls. The air in the small room was stale except for when the curtain opened. But that little gust sent shivers down the boy's spine.

He looked nothing like his prissy mother, or the rest of his siblings. He took after his dad who died when he was 3. He had piercing blue eyes, brown hair, and was very tall for being only 15. His fairly tanned and soft skin complemented the rest of his features; his sharp jaw and high cheek bones.

There was an IV in his arm, the cords were giving him fluids since he wouldn't eat or drink on his own. His lips barely curved into a small smile when he saw his Doctor, aka the only person who cared that he wasn't okay. Even his 'friends' at school, the non existent ones, didn't care. He was really lonely. There was always this one boy he had an eye on though, but he was a year younger and in 9th grade. He couldn't ever seem to get the boy's attention either because they only ever saw each other in the hallways, but the simple occasional  'hello' filled his heart.

There was nothing else to do except listen to the beeping of the heart monitor over the offbeat sound of thr clock ticking. His fragile body couldn't relax. His stomach kept lurching. He kept dry heaving even when there wss nothing to throw up.

Days passed as Dallon anxiously waited for the test results to see what in the hell was wrong with him. He still continued to not eat, and got weaker every day. There was no point for him to be on his phone because he had no one to talk to. The fact that no one would respond would break Dallon even more. So instead he ran his hands along the side of the hospital bed, mumbling to himself, as he came up with song lyrics.

He hummed the melody a bit louder. He didn't believe that the lyrics were any good, but he still sung them at a whisper. "Why don't you smile? My teeth would get cold. And you know that it's not that I'm sad, it's not that I'm down. Why don't you smile? I just don't want you to care. It's really no big deal, that i don't smile."

Another nurse interrupted his train of thought by clapping and smiling as she entered. Dallon got extremely startled and scurried to grab his glasses off the table and put them on, pulling on the IV, sending shocks of pain up his arm. He slightly whimpered and pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. He slightly bit hie lip to hold back a cry.

"Sorry," she mumbled. "Nice singing though!"

"Thanks, um... I'm sorry. What's your name?"

"My name is Alana. I'm a new-er nusre here. But I've been assigned to help Doctor Boyd, so i thought I'd come say hi to you! Dallon, right?"

"Yeah. I'm Dallon. Nice to meet you Alana." He brought his arm up to shake her hand, he admired her dark purple nails. "I wish I could do my nails like that."

"Why can't you?" She asked with a smile and brushed her long black hair off of her shoulders. Her green eyes were focoused on the IV in Dallon's arm. When she sat down there was something unsettling about her. She knew something that only the Doctor had known as well. She had to break the news, but really didn't want to.

"I can't paint them because of my mother. She doesn't approve."

"There's nothing wrong with it. Maybe I'll do them for you one day." Her smile quickly turned to a frown and she gulped. "But I'm here because i have something to tell you... You're sick."

"I know..." Dallon sighed and looked at his legs.

"It's not just that. It's Cancer."

Cancer [Brallon]Where stories live. Discover now