Chapter 9

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Know that I will never marry
Baby I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go

It was Dallon's birthday, and of course Brendon didn't even bother going to school. He went straight to Dallon's. The sick boy could barely even sit up on his own. Brendon desperately wanted to get Dallon help... Every time he would talk to Mrs.Weekes about the free treatment they offer to kids at certain hospitals; she'd respond with she 'doesn't want to drive there.'

Dallon was staring at the ceiling, he didn't move a lot anymore. He did though, write another song. He didn't pick up the guitar though. His long legs couldn't support him anymore. His face was usually expressionless. In his free time he watched Dr. Who. (A lot.) So he kept making references and talking to himself. He was really lonely, just laying there... Dying.

It was all happening so fast...

His face lit up when Brendon walked into his room on the morning of his birthday. "Hey Dalpal! Happy birthday bud!"

"Whoop. I'm old... At least I lasted this long." He held up a thumbs up.


"You shouldn't have." 

Brendon just handed him a small box. Inside there was a new pack of guitar picks and a bracelet that said 'I love you.' Brendon was always really cheesy, but he was not going to hide his feelings anymore. Dallon deserved to be loved whether he liked it or not. So Brendon was determined to give it his all.

Dallon smiled and sighed softly. "Thank you. I love you too. You're my best friend."

"I'm truly honored." Brendon shot him a smile back. "Would you like to celebrate any other way? Hmm? Cake? Maybe the park?"

"I wish. But I can't really..." He stopped talking to catch his breath. "I can't do a lot."

"I can get you a wheel chair. Or even carry you. I doubt that'll work with thos long legs of yours." He rested his hand on Dallon's leg, with a smile. He ran his hand along his thigh, gently.

"Maybe we-" He got cut off when he let out a moan of pain. "Maybe we can go another day? I dont feel too well right now. Can you get my- my pain meds? Everything is starting to hurt." Brendon nodded and got up to get them, and set them and a fresh bottle of water on his nightstand. Dallon downed the pills with a sigh. He wasn't in the mood for cake or anything either. He didn't want to be rude though. He quite enjoyed Brendon being there even though he was really out of it today. He fiddled with the bracelet some. "I wrote another song last night..."

"Really, Dalpal!? I wanna hear!"

"Can't really sing right now..." He mumbled and handed him his notebook.

'Look at me wrong,

It could be your last mistake.

And don't break my heart,

It could be your arm I break.

And this could be the last time,

That we're gonna fall in love.

Oh it could be the last time,

Of making it up.


The kiss in the night,

A night out on the town.

It makes me feel bad,

At least 'till I turned around.

And this could be the last time,

That we're gonna fall in love.

Oh it could be the last time,

Of making it up.

Oh! C'mon!

Well I don't need surgery tonight,

Oh, oh, no I don't need surgery, yeah, tonight.

Baby, oh tonight.

Oh look at me wrong,

And it could be your last mistake.

D-d-d-don't break my heart,

It could be your last arm I break.

And this could be the last time,

That we're gonna fall in love.

Oh it could be the last time,

Of making it up.

Oh yeah!

Oh it could be the last time of making it up.

Oh! C'mon now!

Oh it could be (it could be),

The last time (the last time),

It could be (it could be),

The last time,

We're gonna fall in love...'

Brendon smiled as he read it. "What's this one called?"

"I'll- break your arm." Dallon chuckled weakly.

"Niceeeee boo." Brendon smirked at him. 

After a moment of silence and a cough from Dallon, he spoke up. "What's your dream in life?"

"What?" Brendon really wasn't ready for that.

"What do you want to do? Clearly you probably have other stuff to be worrying about than being here with me. I mean- you're perfect in every sense of the word. You should be out on the town."

Brendon rolled his eyes. "Can't get rid of me that easy, cupcake. But really, I want to perform music. I want a family too. I want to fall in love. I want to get married. I want kids. But i've already fallen in love..."

Dallon bit his lips. "Who'd you fall in love with?"

"You." Brendon said quietly and leaned closer to him.

"Don't waste your time on me, cupcake. I'm practically rotting in my skin. I ain't going to be around much longer."

"Don't ever say that again, Dallon James Weekes! You're going to be around to make me smile for a long time."

"But what if I'm not?" He sighed.

Brendon looked down sadly. "I don't know..."

"Promise me you'll fall in love with someone else and follow your dreams?"

"I can't make that promise Dallon... But anyways... What's your biggest dream?"

"Singing these songs I wrote... But that was a while ago. Right now my only dream is that I wasn't sick anymore. I used to not care. But now I want to be around. All because of you. Because I love you too and I want to be with you. You're so amazing. And I don't have a lot of time. I'd use it wisely and just marry you now if I could. But I can't."

Brendon pet his cheek gently and looked into his eyes. "Would you ever sing with me if you got the chance?"

"Oh. Most definitely. I'd love to... Sing in the park in front of everyone. That would be so splendid."

"You're cute. You use words like splendid." Brendon laughed again and leaned in to try and kiss his lips.

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