Chapter 2

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Cause my lips are chapped and faded

"Leukemia to be more specific..." All he did was nod at her. He didn't speak because he couldn't comprehend it. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "We can start treatment as soon as we move you into a different room. Okay? I promise you'll be okay, Dallon!" She had a slight cheer in her voice that made her seem overconfident. She only knew that because of the blod tests, he had the disease. But she didn't know what stage, but assumed they had found it in time.

As she left, thats when he spoke up. "Maybe i deserve this for being such an awful son..."

Alana shot back into the room, "don't say things like that Dallon... I have to go tell your mother. I'll be right back. Do you need anything?"


"Doctor Boyd's son is here. He's your age. He didn't feel like going to him mother's house this weekend. I can see if he wants to come chat with you for a while."

"You don't have to force him to come in here Alana..." He let out a deep sigh and licked his lips. He wanted to cry out and exclaim that he wanted to die anyways. He didn't want anyone to care about him anyways. He didn't want to be a timebomb that exploded and devastated people. He wanted to continue to be a nothing that no one cared about, just like always.

"C'mon! It'll be fun! He's around your age too, i think!" Alana shot him a smile. "Besides, I don't want you to be lonely. Even if it's just for a couple days while we continue to test and evaluate how bad it is. And I think he wants to."

Dallon just sighed and closed his usually bright blue eyes. The word 'cancer' still played over and over in his head. It all happened so fast... He only remembered he kept getting a worse cold, but how did it spiral into this? Could it just be his state of mind? Wanting to die caused this? He had such a strong belief in the lord, maybe god actually listened when he thought he wanted to die. Or it could just be his punishment for being a terrible son, like he thought in the beginning.


"Dallon," his mother called from across the hall. "Hurry and get me some wine dear." She reapplied her dark red lipstick, Dallon wanted to tell her how stupid it was if she was going to drink anyway. But he didn't. He kept his mouth closed and poured the drink into a glass carefully. He walked into the living room, careful not to spill it. He handed it to his mother with gentle hands. She nodded as a thank you, but when she caught his eyes, she held his state with a snear.

"Dallon, what the hell is wrong with you? You took way to long to do that, and you need to go get changed right this instant. Stop looking like a faggot. I don't have a faggot son."

Dallon nodded, slipping his hand away from under the glass when he was sure his mother had ahold of it.

"Excuse me, Dallon James Weekes. Answer me when you're spoken too."

"I'll go change." He shot her a smile, only to hide his tears. 'What if I was a faggot,' he thought to himself.

"Good!" She cheered and sipped on the red drink.

He turned around so he could run up the carpeted stairs, but rammed his shin into the beige coffee table when he did turn around. He winced in pain and tried not to yell or cry. His mother was even caught off guard by the wince and dumped the red wine onto the white carpet. On purpose. 

She didn't even ask if her son was okay, just ordered him to clean up the mess, smashing the glass on the floor along with the stain. 

'Damn it,' he cursed to himself. 'I'm never gonna get that effing stain out!'

"Hurry it. We have guests coming over and if it doesn't look new, you're gonna go buy a new one, and treat everyone to dinner."

"Who is coming?"

"Some friends from work, and I don't want them to see my screwup of a son, so get going. Remember, take that ugly ass pink sweater off and go put on a suit or something."

"But, mom-"

"It's Leslie," she corrected him. 

Dallon's younger brother, Jordan, was still sound asleep in his bed, his older sister, Rachel, was away at college. He wanted to ask why they were allowed to call her mom, but he wasn't. She even called him her son, he just didn't understand. "Leslie, I do not own a suit anymore... You- I mean I ruined it."

"You'll have to go get another then. And make breakfast for your brother."


His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a smack on the tile. It ended up being someone dropping something, but it only reminded him of his mothers hands across his face. He was pretty sure that whoever this 'company' was, wasn't coming. Alana pushed her hair behind her ears and yanked the curtain back.


Good news!" She cheered. "We're moving you to an actual room, honey!"

'How is that good news?' He muttered to himself and frowned.

Alana must've read his mind. "That means that you are going to be able to get better soon! And I have a guest for you." He stepped out of the doorway to reveal a boy, short, dark hair, beautiful big brown eyes, and a goofy grin. His hands were behind his back. He was wearing really tight black jeans, and a Led Zeppelin shirt. Dallon had one just like it, but now he didn't look so flattering in a hospital gown. "Dallon, this is Brendon, Brendon, this is Dallon. You two can chat, I have to go finish my rounds."

Brendon shot her a smile before he carefully walked to sit down in the chair beside the hospital bed. Dallon didn't look as bad as some of the other patients he had seen, yet anyways... 

"Hello," he whispered.

Dallon was amazed. This was the boy he had seen in the hallways. The most beautiful creature in the history of the universe. He might've been sick, but he still had feelings. He had to calm himself down. He couldn't believe that the one person he had taken an extreme liking to was... He was right there. 

"Brendon Boyd?"

"My father does not like going by our last name. Urie. He said it sounds too much like urine." He let out a small laugh, causing Dallon to chuckle.

"Makes sence, he's a doctor. I wouldn't want Dr.urine checking me out unless he wanted pee samples." He sighed and laughed a bit more, but he had to stop to catch his breath.

"Dallon, you go to my school don't you? You're a year ahead of me?"

"Yes, that's true."

"I got held back when I was in 2nd grade because of my ADHD. So I technically should be up there with you, but oops..."

"Hey, that's okay. Nothing to be ashamed of."

"Well, I've heard your name around school a few times and over the announcements because of your grades and stuff. You're really smart from what I've heard. And you can sing and play instruments. You should be proud. I'm sorry this happened to you. Hopefully you can go home soon."

"Wait... How do you know I sing?" He raised his eyebrows at Brendon.

The younger boy stuttered, but always spoke his mind. He had no shame. "I totally wasn't stalking you.. Uh..."

Dallon let out another soft chuckle. "It's okay. But about what you said, I'd rather be here than home or whatever..."

"Why is that?" Brendon drew his eyebrows together in confusion and reached in his pocket to pull out something. Dallon's eyes followed him and saw that it was ChapStick.

"Because I don't really have a family."'I said it, I can't believe I actually said it! Wait.. Why am I even telling him?'

"Oh," Brendon sighed and uncapped the cherry ChapStick, not caring about boundaries as he coated it thick onto Dallon's lips. 

Dallon wasn't sure how he felt about that, but he smiled sweetly and whispered a 'thank you.'

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