Chapter 10

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It just ain't living
And I just hope you know

Dallon kissed back for a few seconds. He pulled away embarrassed. Brendon looked at him and started to walk back, feeling that he did something wrong. "I'm- I'm sorry Dallon."

Dallon shook his head weakly and tried to reach out to grab him. "Stay. Please."

Brendon sat beside him and held his hand. "You sure that was okay? I didn't mean to push you."

Dallon leaned closer to him, wanting to kiss him again, but he couldn't get enough strength to get up and do it. So he just nuzzled his arm. He was more embarrassed than Brendon was. He took his brittle hands and put one over Brendon's. He tried his best to lace their fingers, and he even smiled a little.

Brendon looked at him, and he cried softly. He looked at Dallon and saw how he was falling apart, and it just tore him apart. "I- I wish you were mine..." He whispered and ran his thumb across his hand as if to comfort him.

"Kiss me again?" Dallon asked softly and it took Brendon by surprise. He stood up off the bed and stood on his knees beside the bed, so they'd be at eye level. He cupped one of his cheeks and just smiled at him, staring into his eyes, before he leaned in to press their lips together. It was gentle and only lasted a few seconds, but it was the most amazing kiss Brendon had ever had.

Dallon pulled away so he could breathe, but had the most adorable little smile on his face. Brendon poked his lip and let out a small giggle. "I have one more thing for you, Dallon."

"Oh, it's fine. Brendon you've already made me the happiest person half alive."

Brendon frowned but still went over to his bag and pulled a shirt out for him.

"This is one of mine

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"This is one of mine... It was kinda just in my closet. I thought you'd like it better."

Dallon smiled again weakly. "Can you assure me, that instead of a suit that my mom wanted, you'll burry me in that?"

"I don't want to. Because I'm not going to bury you. You're going to fight and get through this! I know you are!"

Dallon rolled his big blue eyes. "No I'm not. You need to stop living in fantasies."

"I'm just speaking the truth!"

"I'm not really living... Have you seen me? I'm slowly dying. I'm crippled, weak, and disgusting."

"I'm looking at you right now and you're still beautiful to me."

No matter what position, Dallon looked uncomfortable. Brendon didn't want to leave at all. He wanted to just sit there with the boy forever. But he was called and had to go home for dinner. The next week seemed to drag, school was a bummer. Especially health class. Ever since a student at the school got diagnosed with the terminal disease, that's all they talked about in health. Brendon always skipped that class. He couldn't handle it.

It was hard to believe, just at the beginning of the year, he was hardly Dallon's friend. But here they were, the first day of summer break and closer than any friend ever could be. The decline of Dallon's disease had gotten slower and more brutal. Brendon had gotten a job, just so he could pay Dallon's mom. He paid her to get an at home nurse that could take care of him. He was on IVs and was being fed through a tube. It was just some things to keep him holding on. He always had a tone of morphine in his system so he wouldn't feel the pain of the disease eating him away. The cancer was everywhere. Every single part of him. Aside from it just flowing in his blood, there was tumors too.

The nurse that stayed at home with him was really only there to make sure he hasn't died. That was her purpose. There was nothing else she could do except keep him company until the disease won the battle. Brendon refused to let that keep him or Dallon down. He started spending a lot more time with the boy. He practically lived over there with him.

Every single morning, he'd sing to him. They'd talk for hours, maybe play a few games. Brendon never failed to make Dallon smile even on the baddest of days. At night, Dallon would always get cold, so Brendon would tuck him in. Most of the time he'd slide in the bed beside him and cuddle him through the night. He was careful not to pull the tubes or crush him though.

One particularly good day, Brendon had brought in a wheel chair that he padded with pillows so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. With the help of the nurse, they got him in the wheelchair. Dallon wasn't really forming full sentences anymore. It had been getting harder TO breathe every day. So he was saving his energy to breathe. Even if he wasn't talking, Brendon still enjoyed being right beside him.

Brendon held the IV rack as he pushed the wheel chair. They went down a few blocks, and made it to the park. At Dallon's request, they parked under a tree. Brendon  pulled up a chair that was in the park and sat beside him. He wrapped his arm around him and Dallon leaned on his shoulder. They didn't talk or anything, just sat there and admired the park. Dallon took in the fresh air and occasional glances at Brendon.

When he got him home that night, he tucked him in just like normal. And then he kissed him goodnight. He told him he loved him too. Dallon said it back and Brendon just kissed him again. And then he left.

That was Dallon Weekes's last good day. His last full day.

That night, he slipped into a coma around 4am.

The nurse called 911, and as they were on their way, she called Brendon.

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