Chapter 3

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Call my Aunt Marie. Help her gather all my things.

A week or so later, Dallon was comfortably laying in an actual room. They kept putting him off, making his treatment get set back. He was making a slow decline, but no one really saw it. Dallon only saw that his hands were becoming skinnier. He wasn't eating as much, and he honestly felt horrible. Like the flu really. Or a cold that wouldn't go away. It didn't really feel like cancer, but then again, what was cancer supposed to feel like?

Alana ended up checking in on him every now and then, she always had an enthusiastic tone about her. Brendon stopped by one other time, and they talked about their interests and books and stuff. Dallon didn't really have a life outside of school, except for his song book. But those were crappy lyrics anyways. That's just what he thought since he wouldn't let anyone read them.

Chemotherapy started two weeks later, Dallon stayed in the hospital. He was allowed to go home, but he didn't want to be there. They didn't want him there either. It was a win win situation. Dallon got to get out of the house. Leslie didn't get to see her f**k up of a son...

On bad days, days where he felt like giving up, Brendon was always there. Brendon could have been good or bad. He was usually sent to cheer him up, or tell him really bad news... Like when they told him they hadn't found it soon enough.

"Dallon Weekes already has stage 3 Leukemia. It's been building up for a while, and gone undetected. We've seen he isn't really taken care of and hadn't been to the doctors in a long time. Maybe we would've caught it sooner if he did. But that means we have to start the chemotherapy asap. And big doses. We also have a few prescriptions we'd like him to test out. Brendon would you be a doll and break the news to him? He's not so fond of us doctors. He only opens up to you and Alana... He has it all throughout his body... Blood, liver, lymph nodes... Tests say its been this way for a little over a year. I didn't know he was this sick until I saw the tests. Maybe if we started a week ago- no. One week is no comparison to 52. Brendon, I'm sorry, his chance of winning this battle is very small..."

Today, was in fact a good day. He got out of bed, surprisingly strong for the time being. He was eating again, and was very determined to do things on his own. He wasn't to the point of being a cripple and the medicines made him drowsy, but he always tried to smile. That's what counts. 

Brendon usually brought him his school work. There were a few days he didn't because his father wouldn't let him in the hospital. There was one time when he went 2 weeks without showing up at all. That time was extremely hard for Dallon. He just wasn't motivated. He didn't eat as much, the pills were a burden, and he didn't have therapy that week. Brendon was his reason to keep fighting, he still had his normal teenage feelings afterall. 

Leslie Weekes dumped off her son's things. There was a cardboard box with only a few things in it. His doctor who necklace, drawings, two of his favorite sweaters, and his songbook. 

Nobody in the family outside of his household knew. Not even his father, who had moved out to Ohio, or his big sister who was at college in New York. Few calls were made to break the news, but nobody really cared. Except little Jordan. He wanted to go see his brother, but he couldn't... He wasn't allowed.

Dallon had fallen asleep one cloudly afternoon, leaving his songbook open as he wrote down some new lyrics that he had been inspired to write. He was an idiot for not hiding the book before he fell asleep, but the dizziness took him over all at once. Stupid medicine. Stupid sickness.

5pm, usual time Brendon would go check on him. He saw he was asleep but didn't wanna wake him. Dallon's left hand was folded on his lap, the right one clutching a pencil. His mouth was slightly open, and his head didn't even rest against the pillow. It leaned over towards the railing. It couldn't have been comfortable, especially with his neck twisted so odly.

"Oh, dally." He whispered and used his gentle hands to reposition him so that he wouldn't wake up with a cramp. He adjusted his glasses on his face as well, and his eyes caught a glance at the book. Brendon was always open minded, and he didn't care who knew his opinions. Nor did he care if he broke rules to get something he needed, or something to satisfy him.

"What the hell," he shrugged and took the book off of Dallon's lap. He knew he probably shouldn't touch it, but he got it anyways. He let his hands touch the beautiful writing that covered the pages and he read over the few lines that had been scribbled down, over and over again.

Could this be love at first sight 

Or should I walk by again

You're photogenically dressed

The conversation begins

Oh god oh what did I say

Let me start over again

Could this be love at first sight

Oh wait I said that before

I need a place for the night

Happy to sleep on the floor

But don't go out of your way and I won't talk anymore

The last line was written sloppily, like he was rushing. He knew he was going to fall asleep, but he wanted to get his ideas out. Brendon's mind raced. He knew a bit about song writing. And he knew people didn't write like that unless they liked someone. So once again he was anxious to find out who Dallon liked. Because he also believed in love at first sight, he wouldn't think Dallon was crazy. But he needed to know!

He wasn't going to wake him up just to pry about it, so he kept flipping through the book. He found another one, but this one had a tittle and it caught his eye. This one was actually finished, so he skimmed over it.

Cluster Hug

I'm a teenage beauty queen of sorts 

Calculated cold without remorse

We can go to town 

We can mess around 

We can do anything 

Disseminate disease 

Doing anything that we please 

Only if you like me too, 

I could fall in love with you 

Only if you'd like me to fall in love 

Darling, you're a holy quarantine 

Shake me like a tambourine 

We can mess around 

We can burn this town to ash 

As charming as we are

We are nothing but pretty trash. 

Only if... 

Ooh I love you so 

Never let me go 

Beautiful quarantine 

Circumvent me

No punctuation, that made his OCD sky high and he had to shut the book before he got angry. But still, those beautiful words, who were they about? Why in the hell did he care so much? Why were sparks of jealously burning in his stomach? He didn't like Dallon, he couldn't... He'd only get his heart broken if he fell in love with a boy who was dying.

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