Chapter 5

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My sisters and my brothers, still.

Brendon ended up taking Dallon to Panera for lunch, and then they went to TJ Max. Brendon bought Dallon some new skinny jeans and a gray beanie. Dallon found out more stuff about Brendon as well. He was asking nonstop questions about him, trying to get to know him more. They lost track of time talking and getting to know each others true aspirations. Brendon was just about to ask about the songs again, when his phone rang. It ended up being his father, telling him he needed to get Dallon back to the hospital.

"Brendon, he needs to be back here. It's importnent."

"Importnet, really dad? It was an accident i made when i was talking fast! LEt it be! And besides, me and dalpal are at lunch. We are talking and it's important."

"His brother is here.." He heard his dad sigh on the other end.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." He hung up sadly and looked into Dallon's bright eyes. "Looks like our date got cut short.."

Dallon's whole face turned bright red. "Date..?" 

"It's an unofficial one, but yepp!" Brendon smirked and got up to pay the bill. Dallon still looked really weak. He helped him up out of his chair and wrapped an arm around his waist, not as an act of romance, but to stabalize the taller boy. "You okay?" Brendon asked, despite already knowing the answer. He knew that if he was stuck in the hospital for months with cancer that was slightly getting better and was losing his hair he wouldn't be okay. 

"Yeah," Dallon said with a slight smile that made Brendon looked confused. "I'm actually okay right now.." He held onto Brendon so he could walk easier as they went to the car. Brendon wasn't even supposed to be driving, but what the hell... Dallon deserved to go out somewhere. Despite the fact that the boy barely ate anything, he was happy that he got something other than hospital food.

Brendon finished his drink, and so he grabbed Dallon's to go. He had Dr.Pepper of course because he only drank that or water. Mostly eater for the past few months. He wasn't allowed a lot of extra sugar with the treatment. In the car, Brendon just sighed as he started it. "Dallie!?"

"What?" He asked as he rested against the back of the seat. He really didn't want to GI back to the hospital. After him and Brendon just talking about themselves, he realized how much he really did like him. It was just a school crush, but it's more to him now... Brendon us bisexual, so he might have a chance. His heart ached. He was sick. No one wanted him.

"Your favorite singer is Elvis Costello right?"

"Yes, it is... I also love the Beatles!" He sighed. "Do you know any of his songs?"

Brendon started driving and cleared his throat. "Oh my baby baby I love you more than I can tell, I don't think I can live without you.

And I know that I never will.

Oh my baby baby I want you so, it scares me to death

I can't say anymore than "I love you"

Everything else is a waste of breath

I want you."

Dallon sat with wide eyes. That was one of his favorite songs... And Brendon knew it... Brendon was more of a My Chemical Romance person... And then there was that album he started on his own. He never released it yet though. It honestly made Dallon so happy. "Wow..." 

"You okay? Your face is flushed."

Dallon got really embsrassed. He bad been blushing from the song. "Yes, I'm okay," he smiled.

"Dallon... Who was the song cluster hug about?"

"Brendon I told you it's personal. You weren't supposed to look in my book." He almost growled, and Brendon just shut up. Dallon's half-growl did something to him...

"Okay okay... But I just want to know how you feel. We know like everything about each other and..." He sighed as they pulled up to the hospital.


Brendon didn't answer as he parked and slammed his face against the steering wheel. Dallon just looked at him and waited for him to speak. Brendon finally spoke up. "I like you! A lot! And I have for a while! I saw you around school all the time! You were this cute little... Big... Thing! And gosh... I didn't think I'd ever have a chance... And now that you're sick, all I ever do is worry about you. I liked you when you were just a face I passed in the hallway and smiled... My biggest crush ever. And Noe that I know you, it's so much worse. But i find it really messed up that the only reason we started talking was that my dad is your doc and you have cancer!" Brendon was getting all emotional and raising his voice. Dallon just looked at him in awe, he felt the same way minus the feelings of worry. 

Dallon wrote almost all of his songs about Brendon... He couldn't stop himself from just grab Brendon's face and kiss him. He didn't know what he was doing, all he knew is that he didn't want it to stop. Brendon melted into the kiss, forgetting all of his worries in that moment. Dallon pulled away after a few seconds and blushed like crazy. "The songs are about you..." He whispered and then started to open the door. "We gotta go don't we..?"



"I- I love you. It hasn't been very long. But I do believe in love at first sight and..." Brendon whispered shyly and closed his eyes so the rejection wouldn't hurt so bad. He was really surprised when he felt Dallon's lips on his, and the kiss was more confident this time.

"I love you too.." He mumbled against his lips.

"Dallon? I absolutely adore everything about you... Will you go out with me?"

Dallon bit his lip. "N-no.. I can't. It's not that I don't want to... What if I don't make it? What if I can't be good enough? I just can't Brendon..." He got out of the car and started walking back in, but ended up tripping. He was so weak from the treatment over the last few weekes.. And he could feel the sickness taking over him, despite the doctor saying he was getting better. His whole body hurt so bad all of the time, but he could complain and then just get forgot about. But Brendon, he would make sure Dallon was okay at all costs.

As he was walking back, his legs started tightening up and he ended up falling and whimpering. Though he only fell on his knee, his nose started bleeding from the sudden movement; which was another side effect of the chemo. He pulled his beanie down further so it wouldn't expose where he was losing hair and he just cried.

Brendon was there within seconds. His heart hurt from Dallon saying no, but knowing the feelings were mutual was enough. He couldn't stand having the boy be in pain... Despite Dallon being so much bigger than him, he tried to pick him up and take him in. "I'm not convinced you're getting better Dallon... Why'd they let you out?"

The taller boy just let out a whimper.

He got back to the room and it was official, he became an inpatient after only 3 days of being free (but he technically stayed there because he had nowhere to go.) The only difference was that he walked around the hospital and went out and didn't have an IV in his arm. The worst part was that no one was or really paying for Dallon... Dr.Boyd (Mr.Urie) loved his son although and knew how much Dallon ment to Brendon. He was trying everything in his power to try and keep Dallon from getting sicker... But he couldn't keep it up much longer before he'd need a payment from Dallon's 'parents.' Just the thought broke his heart, he didn't want to have to tell his son that they couldn't keep caring for Dallon and trying to keep him okay.

The boy took off his beanie and ran his hand through his hair, pulling out the strands that were just laying there, unattached from his scalp and threw them away. The movement somewhat yanked at the IV. He whimpered and just sat there with tears in his eyes. His little brother had come to visit, but his mom waited out in the car. His little brother couldn't handle it though; seeing his brother like that. He left almost as soon as Dallon got back. Dallon got even more upset over that. Him and Brendon's 'date' had got cut short just so he could see his brother for 2 seconds before he started crying and yelling about how his brother was going to die.

Dallon didn't let anyone except for the nurse come in for the rest of the day because he was hysterical.

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