Entry 4

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How was your day today?

"Oh, it was pretty damn good, now why don't you tell me about how you're a fucking dragon?"

Calm down, sweetheart. You don't have to create such a fuss about it, it's not even a big deal.

Now, focus, and let me reinvent your world for you.

To be a Dragon is to be king of your world. To be a Dragon is to be the most powerful in all the lands.

We Dragons are quite unique. Many, including I, can do magic. I'll tell you more about that later. If I feel like it.

We age quite differently from humans. One timai, a dragon year, is equivalent to about a century of one of your puny little human years.

At least I think you're a human. I don't really care any way. Go be a fucking bumblebee if you'd like, it's not like it'll change the way I see you, because I don't.

What if bumblebees could read?

It doesn't matter. Stupid questions get you nowhere. 

Even though we age much slower, we see time the same way as humans do.

Maybe that's why the Dragonic suicide rate is so high.

"When you're tired of being a Dragon, you're tired of life."

Another vile quote from Macar. The swine.

The Dragons live together in peace and harmony in the land of Soirwe. At least that's what I remember. I haven't been there in eons.

I still remember how beautiful it was, though. All sun shining over mountains, spilling onto pretty little valleys and streams. The little farmer dragons would fly over their crops and animals and tend carefully, and I would sneak into their vineyards to steal grapes. Beautiful times.

We have a king and queen. The king and queen from when I was there were beautiful and fair, all the shit you would expect from a stereotypical couple. They had a son. Emphasis on had. One happy little family.

I had a family too. I've already mentioned my father the Bastard. I think I already said this, but his name was Macar. My mother was named Weinya. They loved me and all that.

At least I thought they did.

Oh, would you look at that. It seems my tears are staining this dastardly book. I'll have to finish this later.   

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