Entry 11

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After I suicided, life went on. Obvious.

I lived as an empty shell. Wandering the streets, stealing, getting beat up, stealing again. I got stabbed once. What a time that was.

I didn't have much freedom to change into my dragon form, either. During. The time I was alone. On the streets.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, what the hell is a dragon form?! You never mentioned this before!"


Just kidding! You'll have to understand, sweetheart, that whatever I do has a reason. There are no accidence.

A Dragon has two forms; they can choose to be as a human, or as a dragon. Granted, there are a few changes. My human form has a normal head of hair, but I also have scales. Normal stuff like that.

You could say that we're like werewolves; I always hated the ones that lived near my forest, from before. Pesky little bastards had no inkling of humanity; if they saw you, their instincts were to attack and run. T'was a good thing I'm a Dragon.


Can I call you sweetheart?

Ha. Never mind. You don't have a choice; if you don't like what I'm writing, then don't read it. Simple.

The streets were a dark place for a young, gay Dragon like me. I learned quickly that I had to defend myself or die, or worse.

It wasn't like I wanted to stay alive, but you'll have to understand that even something as pathetic as I usually has (had) some inkling of self-worth.

I hated and loved the streets. Made some friends; they all eventually moved on. I was the lonely little bitch in the corner alley with an attitude that would get me sent straight to prison.

I've been to the county jail before. They even have one of my scales for records. Law.

It's a common misconception that dragon scales don't regenerate. If so, we'd be toting our itty-bitty baby coverings around when we're massive already.

Whoever came up with that myth is a fucking idiot.


Would I be a myth back there? In Soirwe? I've thought about that a lot.

I was probably just forgotten. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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