3rd person point of veiw.

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Chat Noir sat waiting on the top of a building they meet on every night. Continuously checking on the time on his staff. He showed up an hour early terrified of what he would say but some how confident with himself. He walks back and forth on the roof wondering when she'll arrive.
~45 minutes later~
Chat ended up sitting upside down up against a wall trying to pass the time. Now ladybug lands on the roof and walks towards Chat.
"Hey silly kitty need some help?" She says and extends her hand for him to grab. He blushes and turns over.
"Um sure thanks" he takes her hands and stands. "Ladybug there's something I've been meaning to tell you." He says and she starts saying something "shhh... ladybug. I promised myself I would tell you as soon as I saw you." He takes a deep breath "I love you ladybug. I have since I first fought with you. I know you probably don't feel that way but I want to apologize for all of the things I said on Valentine's Day I wanted to tell you that i loved you then but I had to take the arrow for you..." he got cut off
"Chat I'm not mad at you. I care for you deeply. That's why I kissed you. I was learning in school that day that true love is the only thing that conquers hate-" she stops and looks at him.
"True love huh?..." he steps closer to her. He puts a hand on her cheek. " I don't remember that kiss but I'll remember this one." He pulls her face toward his own and connects their lips. Ladybug tenses and then relaxes leaning upwards on her toes to deepen the kiss. Ladybug wraps her arms around Chats neck and he wraps his free arm that's not placed on her cheek around her waist. They stayed like that for a while. Two flashes of light set off seconds after eachother. Chat could feel his once gloved hands feel the the soft skin of ladybugs cheek and ladybug could feel soft fabric under her now bare arms. They both pulled away and opened their eyes.
"Adrien?!" They both said in unison "Adrien your Chat Noir?!?"
"I could say the same to you!" He said back to her arm still around her waist.
"What happened to our suits?!" She said with confusion.
"Well I suppose the shock of the kiss deactivated your transformation." Tikki said. Adrien with his arm still around her waist shifted so they'd be next to eachother pulling her close.
"Well true love breaks all spells" he said looking at Plagg "and our suits are kinda like spells." His face lights up and puts his hand on her shoulders he turns her. "Marinette even seeing that it's you under the mask my feelings have only gotten stronger." He looks at her with such care she could tell he was true about it.
"Adrien. I don't know what to say. Knowing that our Chat I feel more comfortable with you. I'm glad this happened. I've liked you since you gave me your umbrella at the beginning of the year." She said looking at him with her blue bell eyes. He couldn't help but smile.
"Well Marinette will you go out with me? Since we don't have to worry about running off on each other anymore it'd be easy. What'd ya say?"
"Of course" she replies and throws her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek.
                ~the end~

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