2 - Chloe

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The group of Ryen, Chloe, Nadine, Camille, Mariella and Nicole, passed by and we overheard them talking about a test in Math later on in the day. Okay, I definitely did not review. And I'm definitely freaking out right now!

I asked Nyssa about that, since...who couldn't trust Nyssa? She's the ever-intelligent, all-knowing genius, who is one of the Top 20 students of the batch and our class president! There is only a 1% chance that she didn't know about the quiz, meaning there's only a 1% chance that I will end up totally unlucky today.

"Nyssa, did you know about the quiz in Math today?" I ask confidently, probably sending over the wrong message.

"Uh, no. Actually, I didn't." My face deflated, all signs of happiness disappearing from my face. So, I made it to the 1% chance of this day ending absolutely horribly. What's new? "But, I guess I was able to review, so I think I'll ace it."

Well, I'm sorry. I forgot that you were a math genius, and I was simply a peasant.

I was looking around for more classmates to hog on whether or not they had reviewed, when all of a sudden, from the corner of my eye, I see no other than Mrs. de Leon herself, wearing her favorite floral top, jeans and yellow loafers while holding what seems to be a stack of quiz papers from the other section.

It took all of my guts to run out of the room and confront her on whether or not there was really a quiz. "Of course there is, Miss Joaquin." she says. She's smiling at me, although I don't see any reason for her to smile, especially when there's a chance that I could fail this quiz.

I give her a nervous smile back and run over to Jamelle, my helpful best friend, to give me a breakdown on the last lesson in Math. I need to pass this quiz, or I won't make the Top 20! I repeated over and over to myself. Although, I wasn't even sure if I was going to pass. All of the numbers were jumbling in my head, and I had no idea why x and y weren't like terms and what the heck a numerical coefficient was.

And suddenly, the bell rang.

And Mrs. de Leon was in the room.


Lame chapter I know! - Admin 1

I had to make it longer, omg i'M SORRY ANG OC KO TALAGA - Admin 2

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