25 - Ijo

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Jasmine's POV

After the guy creepily admitted his true intentions about Camille, I decided to back away and go over to Kisha to confirm the person's identity. "Hey, Kisha! You see that dude holding the camera behind the bushes?" I ask, as I take another bite of my creampuff.

"Yeah. That's Chris, Cedric's older brother. Why'd you ask?" Kisha replied, her arms still latched around Dylan's.

"I don't know. He seems pretty creepy. He told me how much he likes Camille, when his own brother is her boyfriend. What a sucker." I couldn't help but say. I looked at the stalker with my peripheral vision, and he was still taking pictures whilst writing down notes. Could he get any more weird?

Kisha was staring at him as well, and pressed a suggestion to me. "Let's tell it to Camille once the dance is done. Hey, take a picture of him with my phone. Don't make it too obvious, okay?"

I decided to get my phone and shout way too loudly, "Hey, Kisha! Let's take a selfie!" I turned on the camera and instead of putting it into selfie mode, I used the back camera and took our picture towards the Chris guy's direction. It was a success, and our photo had such clear quality!

Once the song had finished and Cedric excused himself for some reason, Kisha and I approached Camille, who was straightening her dress in the middle of the dance floor. "Camille!"

"Oh, hey guys. What brings you here?" she asks, tucking strands of stray hair in her ear.

I fished out my phone and loaded the photo from my Gallery. "We just wanted to show you this picture of your stalker. His name's Chris, and he's absolutely obsessed with you." I told her while laughing.

"What? No way! Isn't this Cedric's brother?" Camille asks, zooming into the photo. "There's no way he could be obsessed with me! Yeah, I know I don't look horrendous...but to have two boys fighting over me? That's unusual."

"But, let's admit it. He may be weird, but he's pretty cute." Kisha pointed out. Yeah, he actually has pretty stunning eyes, his nose is just in the smack dab middle of being Voldemort flat and being as sharp as a bow and arrow and his hair is a lush caramel color. He had to ruin his cuteness by being such a stalker, oh God.

"Yeah, he is pretty cute." Camille says, getting lost in her train of thought. "But, what the hell am I thinking? I'm in love with Cedric. I don't want to develop interest in his brother, ew!"

"You never even told us how you met Cedric! You're so unfair, you owe us a big time story." I protest. It's true: there was this one time recently when Camille told us how much she hates boys, and suddenly she comes to prom with a super cute boy?

"Well, okay..."


My mom enrolled me in the most boring piano class in the world. It was held in this place that looked like a creepy warehouse, and the teachers were either so old that they fell asleep on the job or foreigners whose instructions I didn't understand. It was so painfully awful that during the second day, I tried to escape out the window. I got a ladder, climbed to the second-storey window and did my best in jumping out...but unfortunately, I got stuck in the window.

"Help! Help!" I was trying to scream, but much to my dismay, no one could hear me. All of the piano teachers were probably on break, and even if they did hear me, they'd probably kill me for trying to escape in the middle of my lessons. Suddenly, Cedric came in. He was just an intern, because he loved playing the piano, and it was his first day on the job. He told me later on that he was extra bored, so he decided to rudely interrupt some lessons.

Try guessing what a great first impression it made when he saw me dangling from a two-storey window.

"Hey! Sir, would you help me get down?" I asked him, feeling a bit dizzy.

"Uhm, I would...but that's pretty high." he said. He also told me later on that he was really afraid of heights, and that one time, when he rode the roller coaster, he ended up peeing his pants.

"Use the ladder for crying out loud! It's pretty scary up here." I said, nearly crying.

"Why did you get up there in the first place?"

"You're going to tell on me if I tell you why."

"There' s a big possibility I'll do that if the reason why you're there is because you wanted to ditch piano class."

"But, that is the reason, okay? It's so boring here that I want to pull all my strands of hair off my head! I never even had the slightest interest in playing the piano, and suddenly I'm thrust into this awful world. Now that I told you, could you at least help me get down?"

"Uh, no. Actually, I'm going to be on my way to the headmistress' office. Once I tell her your plan, that's when she's going to ask for help to get you down."

"What's your problem? Why can't you just help me get down? What have I done to you that makes you treat me like a pest?"

"Nothing, really. I just have this little condition before I help you get down."

"Fine. As long as it doesn't have anything to do with money and rewards, go for it. I'll do it, as long as you help me get down."

"Well, you're pretty game for this, huh? Okay, here's my condition...go out on a date with me."

I exploded into a fit of laughter once I heard that. "You honestly expect me to go out on a date with you? Are you crazy or are you crazy?"

"Or," he replied. "Fine, if you don't want to go on a date with me, let's just allow the headmistress to fetch you from that window, little girl."

"Come on! And excuse me, I am not a little girl." I protested, shaking my fists in the air.

"Not until you go on a date with me, little girl."

"My name isn't little girl, it's Camille! And why in the world would you want to go on a date with me?!"

"Because I think you're interesting. I've been watching you ever since yesterday, and you seem really out of your zone here. I don't know, I think you're cool. Okay, now that you've heard the ridiculous truth, would you go on a date with me?"

"Depends. Where?"

"Jollibee in Shopwise, Commonwealth. Next Saturday, five in the afternoon. Take it or leave it."

"Seriously? Jollibee? Of all the restaurants--"

"I said, take it or leave it. Come on, I was so close to getting the ladder, little girl."

"Again, my name is Camille! And fine, I'll go on a date with you. Now, get me down before I puke all over you."

End of Flashback

"He ended up being the sweetest, most interesting boy I've ever met in the world, and I couldn't be more happy to have him." Camille finally concluded. Kisha and I were tearing up from laughter because of the story: that's a really nice way to be introduced to a guy...hanging from a window.

"But, we're also sort of nervous for you though." I couldn't help but say. "That Chris guy looks way serious about you. He looks like he'll do anything to get you."

"Well, I hope he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve, because nothing he does could drive me away from Cedric."


I KNOW the Camille-Cedric story wasn't in the original Renga Benga book, but idk I felt really driven to write a longer story today, sorry. If you don't like it, it's fine (weh I'll be dying inside) anyway thanks for reading along!!! VOTE COMMENT FAN AND SHARE XOXO MWAH - Admin 2

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