Car Ride

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"Bleh, I vaunt tu suck ya blood!" [Y/n] exclaimed in a stereo typical transylvanian accent. "[Y/n], this is getting old please stop." Anti grunted as they drove along in the car. "Bleh BLEH bleh bleh bleh bleh." she continued over him. "[Y/n]." he growled as his eyes flicked black and his head twitching. "Listen pal, I'm gonna make the most out of never being able to enjoy the beach sun ok?" She squinted back at him with judgmental eyes. "This is all I've got; making bad jokes and annoying you." [Y/n] snapped back defensively crossing her arms with a huff.

Anti drove along squinting his pitch black eyes at the pitch black road. "That is why we're taking you to get you fixed, so I don't have to deal with your bullshit anymore," Anti explained it to her as if to reassure to himself that it was possible.

"It's your fault anyway." [Y/n] mumbled rolling her eyes at him. "Oh fuck off!" he scoffed. "That was your fuckin fault for leaving my side." he grumbled and cocked his head at her in anger. "You brought me-- a captive, to a party where everyone was literal monsters and I was the only human? Of course I was gonna get drank from!" Her voice rose in pitch with each word. Anti giggled to himself but tried to stifle it. "What." [Y/n] deadpanned. "Drank" he laughed referring to a dead meme he enjoyed. "I swear to fucking god if it weren't for Jack's sake I would kill you." [Y/n] growled.

Hey! Yeah I'm back. Just after Split I went into a slump that I felt like I couldn't do any better than it. But I'm back now, hopefully better than ever. For those that don't know I try to make it comedic but still keep a plot line to the story. Also I've made like 10 chapters so you don't have to wait long at all.

Leeches ([Y/n] X Antisepticeye & Septiishu)Where stories live. Discover now