Get Down To The Funky Sound

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[Y/n] woke up with her face pressed against the rough hotel carpet. Anti's shoes being the only thing in her vision. He lifted one shoe and pressed of down on her head causing every sensitive spot to flare up. "I know you're awake." He stated and let up.

[Y/n] pushed herself up and crawled onto the bed. With each cough it hurt more and sliced her throat up. [Y/n] looked up at Anti with pained expression. Through her watery vision she saw him raise a fist. [Y/n] flinched in fear waiting for its impact. It didn't happen. Anti lowers his fist with a satisfied grin. "That's better." His voice was cold.

"Come on, we've wasted enough time as is." Anti headed to the door. "[Y/n]." He commanded her. [Y/n] got up with her still pounding headache and continued to walk. Anti took a side glance at her and headed out the door.

They made it to the elevator as he pressed the button. "You should be thankful, I could have glitched there by now." He attempted to make conversation. [Y/n] stayed quiet. Her silence didn't feel as rewarding as he originally planned and that original spark of emotion she had had dissipated, like what he thought he wanted. In his unplanned frustration he took [Y/n]s hood and jerked it over her face.

This is real. [Y/n] felt the reality check every time she moved or breathed. [Y/n] began to think of what sick way he wanted to kill her to make Jack cry. Probably off of a bridge, or her mangled body in a sewer for Jack to find the next day.

The streets glowed with the unnatural yellowish tint. There were of course people moving around, not as much as you'd expect though. She kept her face hidden in her hood for she knew if she got others involved they would get hurt or even killed.

Anti, after a while, put his arm through [Y/n]s and hooked them together. Her breath sparked with fear at first touch but eased up when she has almost forgotten it was there. Anti took a turn into a back alleyway and up to a door.

His his arm through her sleeve Anti stood at the club door to collect himself. "P-please don't abandon me!" The words rang out in a sharp terrible tone that shot through his heart over and over. Instead of a heart fallen look his face sneered in rage at himself as he then pounded on the door.

After knocking on the door a peephole slid open. The eyes behind the rusted metal door were those of a snake but in a human skull.

"Don't look at the eyes." Anti commanded but it sounded more as a warning. Without question [Y/n] did so. After a couple of seconds the door swung open with a loud creek.

"They have medusas as lock keepers instead of having actual passwords," he explained though she didn't ask. "It keeps them from having to deal with the commoners." He continued as he lead her in with his arm. This peaked [Y/n]s interest and she turned a bit to see a head of snakes standing guard in a shirt that says security on it.

Anti pulled off her hood and lead her to the bar. Anti ordered something but [Y/n] was too busy absorbing all that was around her. It was a club. A full on club with strippers and drinks.

The place itself had glowing lights that were soft enough not to see the flaws in everyone's faces. There were cages of women dancing with skimpy clothing and men and women gathering at. The faces on the dance floor and walking about were a mixture of creatures and what seemed to be humans. Many of the faces were YouTubers she recognizes. "Their all..." [Y/n] mumbled to herself at this realization.

She walked around in wonder and gazed at the bustling crowd of people when one person bumped into her from behind. [Y/n] turned around to face the person. "Sorry." It was a person with pale almost white skin and red piercing eyes. [Y/n] thought of albinism but got confused with the jet back hair. Anti pulled her along before she could say anything and sat her down on a bar stool.

"What was that guy that-"she croaked but before she could even finish her thought Anti slid a golden liquid in her direction.

"Drink." He commanded. He took in every detail of her face, the rawed skin and the purpleish tint that lined where he gripped trailing down her neck. [Y/n] looked down at the drink and sniffed it a bit. "Fuckin drink." He commanded again. [Y/n] took huge gulps as it went down.

She had found... it tasted good. Like really really good. Heavenly good even. It was powerful but in every good way possible. It didn't taste like alcohol but it just was something she couldn't place.

"Jesus fuck!" Anti exclaimed when she finished. "You're supposed to savor the ambrosia not fuckin down it like a shot!" He scolded though he was impressed. "T-that was ambrosia?" [Y/n] gasped for air after having chugged it down. Her voice didn't ache when she spoke and she instantly put a hand to her throat.

Anti looked at her now literally glistening complexion and put on hard face in case his expressions betrayed emotions. His inflicted wounds were no longer there, in fact any wound or scar she might have had vanished out of sight. Her eyes looked around as if looking for an answer till they met his eyes.

"Thank you." [Y/n]s voice sounded genuine. Anti rolled his eyes "Don't think you're special." Was his only comment before he called over the bar tender with his right hand. [Y/n] saw on his wrist were handcuffed, both cuffs chained to his arm so they didn't rattle around.

"Why are you wearing cuffs?" [Y/n] asked when he got his drink. Her voice was still shaky but it was regaining its confidence "Jack bought them off The Enchantress. Their designed to trap demons but their faulty cause there's a pentagram on one cuff only." He bragged as he took a shot. "I actually payed her to sell him faulty ones." He chuckled. [Y/n] smiled a bit and looked around at the crowd. There were monsters. Literal monsters on the dance floor. A couple of them with beaks and feathers but a majority of them human like. [Y/n] exhaled through her nose quickly and smiled.

"Do all youtubers have evil halves?" She asked as she fiddled around with her drink decoration. Anti shot her a dirty look. "I'm a demon. There's a difference between being bipolar and literal demonic possession. And no." Scrunched his nose in disgust. After that he finished up his drink he stood up. His eyes searched the crowded for a face he couldn't find. "Speaking of which, we need to go find The Enchantress." He got up and took [Y/n]s hand. "Hah, which, like, witch." Anti smiled to himself at his own joke.

[Y/n] willingly let him take her hand. Afterall, she was in a crowd of monsters and demons. Not only that but [Y/n] felt a sense of gratitude. Gratitude for that one flip of compassion he showed her by fixing what he broke. But still. Fuck him amirite. As they pushed through [Y/n] couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching her.

They got to the VIP area where a big burly Minotaur guarded. His nose blowing out steam with each breath. The thing bent over and cocked his head so his left red eye could view them perfectly. Anti took one blink and flipped to black eyes to which the creature nodded and let him and [Y/n] pass.

There were booths with unnecessary curtains surrounding and decorating the scenery. Every undertone and accent was either black or a dark shade of red. As they passed each table eyed them. Mostly they were pimps, others the female equivalents to. Some were dark hooded figures that had three headed dogs at their sides (cause they weren't allowed in the dog park).A table was filled with the same type of guys and girls of the man she was shoved by near the bar. They all watched them pass patiently before resuming their conversation. Anti, didn't seem to notice a thing. They came to a table that was tucked into a corner.

The lady there had practically set up shop on the table. She had a earth toned blanket protecting the items from the table and an assortment of random and seemingly normal items. [Y/n] looked at the enchantress in shock.

Leeches ([Y/n] X Antisepticeye & Septiishu)Where stories live. Discover now