Fallen Angel??

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Chapter 8

Dan's POV

I sat silently watching her sip her caramel macchiato. How could she not take my warning, he's only going to hurt her. I thought to myself. As i watch them rage fills me. How could i have let her sleep with him? I was cock blocking for a reason. I thought spitfully. I got up and walked to my bunk. I was pissed at her, at Tyler, at fate for letting them be together.

Tyler's POV

"You're a diamond, how I found you I still don't know. But now I got you and I'll never let you go. If your hearts a pocket looking for some change. My heart makes lots of sense. Just stay quiet, Breathe deep, Breathe out, Breathe slow. Don't say a word. Let our eyes speak and they will tell you...I'm a fool with dreams, and not a lot of things. I swear that I will be all you need. Don't give up on me." I said looking deep into her big hazel eyes. I could get lost in them forever. "Tyler, I'll never give up on you as long as you don't give up on me. I'd be lying if i said that i'm not terrified......that you'll find another girl and leave me as fast as we met." She said as her voice turned to a whisper. Daryl and Doogz left the room. "I'd never replace you, love. Without you i'd be miserable at best. You're my angel and i'm your fallen angel." I kissed her forehead. 

I laid down on the couch and she laid on top of me. My heart began to beat so loud i could hear it. I placed my hands on her back. She placed her chin in the center of my chest, looking directly in my eyes she said, "Would you still love me, even if i cut myself?" I looked at her with big curious eyes, "of corse i would but, i'd hate that you did that." A tear rolled down her face, "I do." I wiped away her tear, "please stop, darling. You'll be just fine. No matter what, i'm always here and i'm never leaving. No matter what is wrong, come to me please." I kissed her forehead and she whipered, "I promise." Then she laid her head on my chest. The most beautiful girl in the entire world, has battle wounds from a war she fights inside. I have to help her, i can't just sit by and do nothing and watch her waste away in front of my eyes. I thought. "Darling?" i asked. "Yes?" She said hushed. "Where are your razors?" I asked softly. "They're in my purse in the compact mirror." She said. I got up and got the mirror. The bus stopped. "Darling come with me." I called. We walked to the bathroom in the gas station. I dropped all 3 of the razors in the toilet and then flushed them. She turned and hugged me.

We were back on the bus and moving. We were somewhere in Texas. We stopped once more. We walked off the bus. We were at an arena, in Austin. I fat man with ared beard, a tall lanky guy with long hair, and a tall thinker man walked up to me. "You Sanity Loss?" asked the man with the red beard. Destiny got off the bus and walked up. "Daaaamn! She's hot." Said the man with the long hair. "Shut up, Ben." I said palyfully. "Tyler, this is Danny, Ben, and James. 3/5 of Asking Alexandria. Cam is my cousin. By the way, where is that fucker?" She said. "He's taking a shit." said James. "Where the fuck is my hug?" Danny asked. Destiny gave them all a hug. "I knew you looked familiar." I said, "I couldn't figure out from where though." I grabbed Destiny's hand. "Ohh....shit she's taken. Back off boys." James called out. Ben hopped on Danny's back and Danny ran back to the bus. James handed Tyler one of the beers he was holding. I opened it and took a drink, then she grabbed it and drank half of it. "I haven't had a good beer in a while." she said wiping her mouth. I pulled her toward me kissing her forehead. James stuck out a hand, I grabbed it and shook it. Dan walked off the bus and straight to the arena. Daryl and Doogz walked off, and shook hands with James. Cam came running up and picked up Destiny and spun her around, "Wow long time no chat. I haven't seen you in God knows how long. I missed you so much. Who's this?" He said pointing at me. "Cam this is my boyfriend and also the bassist for Sanity Loss, Tyler." She said smiling. I kissed the top of her forehead.

Destiny's POV

It felt good to see Cam, I hadn't seen him in almost 3 years, he was always busy with the band. He was like a big brother to me. After he joined Asking Alexandria I felt like he was to famous for me and for our family. "I know it's been too long. I missed you. Just remember that you're still my little sis and I'm here." Cam smiled. He took my phone from my hand and put in his number, "There. Now if you ever want to talk you have my number." James put in his number along with Sam, Ben, and Danny's. Tyler put his arm around me and we walked onto Asking Alexandria's tour bus. Danny winked at me as I stepped on. I picked up a bottle of Jack Daniels from the table. "Who's the JD guy on the bus?" I asked knowing it was Danny's bottle. Danny grabbed the bottle and took a swig. I grabbed the bottle back and drank the rest of it. "Damn, girl. You can handle your alcohol, can't you?" Danny asked playfully. Ben sat next to him and James next to Ben. Tyler, Doogz, and Daryl sat on the couch across from them. I sat on Tyler and draped my legs over Daryl's lap. "Where's steph?" i asked. "She's sleeping. She sleeps so much." Daryl said laughing. 

3 Hours Later

After sound check for all the bands, we were sitting backstage. Tyler was sitting on the couch playing with his bass, while Danny and i were talking. "So Babycakes..." I cut him off. "Don't call me that, Daniel. It's Destiny. I'm taken, now. When i was single you could call me whatever you wanted, you even called me that when we dated, but don't do it now that i have a boyfriend." I said sharply. Tyler looked up shocked and Daryl almost spit out his beer. "What? You dated Danny Worsnop and you didn't tell me?" Tyler said appauled. "I almost spit out my beer. That would've been a waste." Daryl said laughing. Danny stood up and kissed the top of my head and started to run to the stage to play. "Daniel!!" i screamed in anger and chased him. I didn't sare step on the stage. Danny wagged his finger at me and then flipped me off. "You guys wanna meet the girl that inspired Not The American Average?" Danny screamed. The crowd cheered as he waved a hand for me to come on stage. It wasn't the first time he had called me on stage for this. I ran onto the stage and waved my hands. I grabbed the mic and sceamed, "Somebody fucking scream!!" The crowd went wild. Danny smacked my ass and pointed me to the edge of the stage.

Tyler was waiting for me on the side of the stage. "What the fuck was that?" Tyler screamed over the music. "What was what, Tyler?" I asked. "All that shit on stage!! Danny slapping your ass. You inspiered Not The Amercian Average? What was all that bullshit about?" Tyler screamed. "It was Danny fucking around, trying to make you mad enough to leave me. He never really got over me. I never really got over him. We had a relationship that had to end, not because distance, but because trust. He slept with another girl once on tour and i never forgave him and we broke up. He said i fucked like a whore the first time we ever had sex but that was back when i was hardcore on heroin and i've changed since then." I said with tear rolling down my face. I walked to the couch and sat down. I pulled out a bag of weed from my bad and a blunt. I quickly rolled it and lit it. I inhaled, "What are you doing?" Tyler asked. "I'm getting high because i can't cut anymore and i'm stressed, ok? Get off my fucking back." I said taking another hit. Tyler threw his hands up and walked away. 

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