A Chat With Daniel

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Chapter 11

Destiny's POV

I woke in fear that Tyler was still angry with me. I didn't mean for it to go down like it did. I never meant to kiss Danny at all. My phone vibrated. 

Hey, read the message from Danny.

Do you realize that I spent most of the night crying? I thought Tyler was going to break up with me because you couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut. I had to beg James not to say anything. I assumed that you weren't gonna say anything. You have a girlfriend. I have Tyler. God, you piss me off to no fucking end, Daniel Worsnop. I typed angerly.

I miss our fights. Do you remember how you'd get mad and start throwing shit at me? Those were good times, and you're so hot when you're mad. Danny sent. 

Fuck off, Daniel! You're a fucking prick. I can't believe that i ever loved you! I sent as fast as i could.

Woah that hurts, Destiny. I'm just giving you shit. I do miss the misery though. Well what misery we had. I miss our fights, our kisses, our arguments, and deffinatly our make up sex. Have you and Tyler even had sex yet? Danny asked.

Yes.....and sometimes i miss out fights too. Like right after we broke up, i'd lay there at night and replay out last few days together, before things went bad. Of corse, things never really went bad.....i just couldn't take all your drinking and how the band was always more important than i was. You treated them like they were kings and like i was a pessant. I got tired of it, Danny. I sent and within seconds i got a text back. 

I know what you mean. After you left i realized what I was doing wrong. I didn't realize it at the time, but now that you're with Tyler i see that i could've done a lot of things better than what i did. I could've treated you like a queen. I hope you're happy with Tyler and i want you to know that i still love you. You're always gonna be the one that got away. I'd give anything to have you back....Danny sent. 

I could feel his pain, i replied, Danny. I know you'd give anything to have me back. At one time i would've done the same. After we ended it i got into an abusive relationship, and it took 6 months and one man to get me out of it. Tyler got me out of there and he saved my life, literally. I started to cut again and not even a week went by before he got me to flush my razors....all of them. I don't have one singel blade anymore. All i have are cuts fading to scars. The scars i have already made me who i am, you got me to stop and when we fell apart i felt like i had nothing. I felt like that razor was my only friend, and it was for a long time, until Tyler came along. I sent as a tear rolled down my face. 

A few minutes went by, still now text. Hours passed by like nothing, and still no text. 

Danny's POV

I read her last text to me and i broke down and cried. She's the only girl that's ever made me cry. The thought of her cutting again tears me apart. It kills me inside to know that she started again. She was doing so good, she went 9 months without cutting and after we broke up she started again. This is all my fault. I could've prevented this and still had her, but no i fucked it up like i always do. I can't do a fucking thing right. I love her to death but now i'm lucky if i ever get to see her again. I suddenly remembered that we were opening for Sanity Loss again in a few days. Then would be my chance, to really set things right. I needed to do this, not for me but for Destiny and Tyler. I knew what had to be done. How i was going to do it, i was unsure, but i knew i had to do it. 

I'm sorry it took so long. I was thinking. This is all my fault. I have to set this right, Destiny. I need to talk to Tyler at the next venue. I fucked this all up and i'm gonna be the one to fix it. Darling, why's you start cutting again? Why? I sent as a tear rolled off my face and dropped onto the creen of my phone. 

Destiny's POV

I read Danny's text. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell him, but i had to. I started to cut again because, after we broke up i felt empty inside. I had nothing, I had no one. The only thing that hadn't hurt me was the thing that hurt me the most. That razor had never hurt me ever. It was me, i hurt myself. Without a person to drag the blade across my skin, that razor can't do a thing. It's an inatiment object, but i gave it life. I gave it a purpose. I gave it a meaning. It gave me power to control the pain that i feel inside. I sent to Danny. 

My stomach was in knots waiting for Danny to reply. I was scared. My phone vibrated. The text read, Destiny, what did i tell you? Didn't i say that i'd love you no matter what. I said that you'd never have to go back to that. You promised. Why'd you break that promise? You know it meant the most to me.

I couldn't do this anymore, I had to tell him. The abusive relationship was only hurting me and i couldn't get out i had to do something. I confessed. 

I have to go but we aren't done talking about this. Danny replied. 

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