Chapter 2

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I chose the tree house nearest our deceiving cardboard box.

I waited outside a huge orange tree with a sign that says "Klamber's TH". It's peculiar how tree houses look nothing like a tree house. In fact, there is actually no house visible. The tree is the house itself. It looks like a building complete with windows and stuff.

Why did I have to come an hour early? I guess Meedle was too excited that she woke me up at 6 am. Too bad for me I couldn't go back to sleep, and Meedle wanted me to go here early so she could take a picture of me with the tree house. Guardians, tsk.

I felt uneasy wearing the wig. The messy black hair was very itchy, but it's tolerable. I guess I have to endure it, if I want to fit in.

There were a lot of guests of different ages, places and figure. I've never been around a lot of guests alone before. Meedle was always with me, but now I should be independent.

I felt extremely out of place. Everyone was talking to someone. I heard a lot of laughing and chattering. Going to a tree house without any friends was a pain in the butt. But who am I to complain? No one would like to be friends with a human looking girl. But at least I fit in now- or at least a little bit. I should have friends sooner or later. As for now, all I could do was hold onto the sling of my bag and play with my fake hair.

But all noise was silenced by the presence of a violet guest with square eyes and arms thrice as long as mine.

"Good day, guests," she greeted with a voice so loud that even the furthest guest in this crowd could hear her well. Her voice is weird though, she sounds like her hand was caught in a mousetrap. "I am Miss Tinah, welcome to Klamber's tree house."

Everyone was still silent.

"Now, I require you to wear nametags. Pieces of cardboard and pins will be passed around. I expect that you're already bringing a pen with you. Nametags would be checked upon entering the tree house. I hope you'll have a memorable experience here, thank you,” she said and left.

We formed a line in front of the entrance. The lines were definitely long…hundreds of guests in a single file. This reminded me of the time when I had to fall in line waiting for my turn in the roller coaster. The roller coaster wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. If puking my guts out was fun, then that experience was definitely fun-filled.

This line was taking too long. I wrapped my unusually long hair around my nose and mouth just like a mask, the guest in front of me was skunk-ass smelly. I was extremely bored. I could easily sneak out of this. Yes I could, but I won't. Meedle would be very disappointed. Who knows what sermon she would bestow upon thee? Oh well, I guess I just have to wait.


Golden yellow wallpaper, oh I hate yellow… a bad first impression on the tree house.

Finally! I was able to go inside, and breath some fresh air- or at least fresher than the air I was exposed to for 30 agonizing minutes.

Five floors, one for every level, how predictable. I fell under the "Stuarts" category- students aged ten to twelve, so I need to find some door with a sign that says Stuarts. Oh my, an adventure. Ehh.

I finally caught sight of a diamond shaped door that says "Stuarts". I held the cold doorknob, gave it a twist, and found myself exposed of the room I would be staying in frequently for a few months.

The room was blue. There were peculiarly no chairs, just some gray fuzzy mats. There was only one big window that used up an entire wall. You could see the view of the tree house’s entrance from there. I chose to sit on the rug by the left corner near the window.

There was, once again, a lot of noise. I have no one to talk to so I just bowed my head and played with the aglets of the shoelaces of my oversized shoes. I only looked up when the noise faded. I descried a short man with a freakishly long nose, a bit longer than my hand.

"Hello, guests. I'm Mr. Bensworth, your mentor for your entire Stuart life." He sat on the box that was fixed in front of us.

"Let's face it, its gon’na be a bo-ring year." Everybody groaned but for Mr. Bensworth who just snickered. "Hey, at least I'm being honest, now you know what to expect," he added.

The groans turned to soft laughter, and then he continued talking. "This year’s theme is going to be about basic sciences and communication..."

His voice faded, for my attention wasn't on him anymore. I was looking around, looking at the guests, hoping for someone who looks as eccentric as I am.

I scanned the room but I didn't get much luck. All I saw were guest-looking guests, nothing eccentric 'bout that.

There's this pretty one. Her name's Janelle, I think, I can't quite read her nametag. She's baby pink with very long legs. She has wavy blonde hair and beautiful big violet eyes. She's like one of those dolls they sell in the market.

Three rugs to her left I saw Froilan, a red headed guy with big hands and ears. I say he's rich basing on his clothing style- chequered long sleeved polo shirt, gold bangles and Giardonne shoes- the perfect hints of a rich person.

A few other people caught my attention: Hayley- the smart looking one, Jaiser- the one that looks like a rock star, Kendall- the one that seems to have too much make-up on, Pollian- the one who looks a little weird and a few more. But they would most probably be irrelevant to me.

But there's this one guy I can't stop staring at. It says Marceus on his nametag.

There's nothing wrong with him- that's the point. He seems too perfect, no deformities at all. Perfectly cut dark hair, blue eyes, fair skin, the nose, the ears, and most of all, normal length of arms and legs. He's as anomalous as I. Could it be? Am I not the only human-looking guest after all?

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